Bury ~ Ch50

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¤ 3rd Point Of View ¤

"W-We need to bury him." (Y/n) stuttered, pushing herself off Sukuna's chest to crawl back to Shuntaro's body. They had be holding eachother for a while, (Y/n) crying into Sukuna's chest as he buried his head into her hair. But now, as the smoke make a cloud above the village, she knew that the guards would see it from the castle soon and come to investigate.

"And Kizuki and Yousuke! We need to bury them all!" (Y/n) stammered out shaking as she stood to her feet to look for a shovel. Sukuna sighed as he watched her stand, quickly comprehending that she had never dealt with such emotional pain before.
"We can't bury them all." Sukuna sighed, he himself knowing that by the time the princess buried the second body, the guards would get here.

"W-watch me." The princess said, hauling the shovel that she found leaning against the gate towards the fields beside Shuntaro's body, Sukuna sighing yet again at her behaviour. Blood dripped from the princess' lips, showing how much pain she was in. But right now, her heart was feel two types of pain and she didn't care about either.

Tears escaped the princess' eyes as she dug, her eyes flcikering back and fourth between Shuntaro's body and the hole in the ground that she was creating. The heartache she felt was unimaginable, feeling as if she lost a part of her soul. Shuntaro wasn't only like a brother to her but like a son too. They have both contributed to eachothers happiness and accepted eachother for what they were. An orphan and a dying girl.

Silent tears became heavy sobs and soon enough the princess cried harder as she dug the hole, her weak arms only able to dig in small motions at a time. Sukuna could only watch the pitiful sight, never having seen the princess look so broken and fraile. It hurt.
"Princess..." Sukuna started, standing up from his position on the grass, walking closer to (Y/n) carefully.

But the princess didn't listen to Sukuna nor even aknowledge him, continuing to dig while choking on her own sobs. The sobs soon became bubbles of blood, causing her to have to spit it out on the floor before continuing to dig. She was in so much pain, her heart feeling like it was on fire, constantly getting stabbed over and over again with agony. She had never lost anyone important to her before, this loss was so new.

Blood pooled past her lips and down the girl's neck, making her use her sleeve to wipe it away, making Sukuna bite the inside of his cheek in frustration.
"Princess..." He said again, this time his voice a bit more demanding so that she would listen to him. And even though she aknowledged his speech, she didn't stop digging the grave at all.

"I need to do this, Sukuna. I c-can't let his body rot." (Y/n) cried, not looking up as she pushed the shovel into the ground.
"My father and the council...they won't bury him- any of them! They'll just burn down the village and rebuild ontop." (Y/n) explained, wiping her tears with the back of her hand as she worked, explaining to Sukuna why this was so very important to her.

"Shuntaro deserves more than that." She mumbled, her eyes begining to burn the more she cried. Sukuna began understanding why this was something that she felt she needed to do, but continuing on the way she was with this. She wasn't going to make it. Usually pushing through the pain was how people made progress, but for (Y/n)? That meant death.

Sukuna held himself back for a good minute, trying not to get in her way and just stand beside her as she dug. But the moment she began coughing out blood again, making a blood-curtling noise as she spat it out, Sukuna knew that he couldn't watch this anymore.
"Okay, that's enough." Sukuna said, snatching the shovel away from the princess which made her look up at him almost angrily.

"Give that back...please." She begged, her eyes red and bloodshot, her cheeks puffy and swolled from the tears. She sounded very exhausted and extremely hurt, letting Sukuna know that he was indeed doing the right thing.
"If you keep this up, I'll be burying you right next to him!" Sukuna snapped, getting quite impatient and making the princess flinch back at the loudness.

The girl slowly began sobbing again, weakly dropping to her knees in defeat which made Sukuna frown with guilt. She looked up at him through her tears, silently begging him for something that she had no clue about. But Sukuna got the message loud and clear, even after knowing that she didn't know what she was actually asking him for.

"Sit by him. I'll do it." Sukuna demanded, motioning over to Shuntaro's body with a sigh. If Sukuna could travel back in time to a year ago and tell himself that he would be burying a 7 year old's body for a dying a princess, he would laugh in his own face. (Y/n) weakly nodded with a sniffle as she crawled back to Shuntaro's body, gently bringing the boys head onto her lap as she hugged him.

As Sukuna began digging the child a grave, he wondered if the princess would ever recover from this. She was always so used to death, but never the death of the ones she cared about deeply. This was a new pain for her, one that Sukuna couldn't really understand but still tried to. Now this experience made Sukuna worry about the princess' future...

Would he ever see her smile again?

(A.N ~ In roughly three chapters time, you will hate me :)

Chapter 51 Quote Teaser :

"Am I evil?"

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