Cursed Spirit Tag ~ Ch30

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¤ (Y/n)'s Point Of View ¤

A few days had gone past in which nothing special had happened, those few days were all the same for both me and Sukuna. We talked and bickered before Toru began calling out for me, everyday being beautifully repeated- and I always had so much fun, so I didn't mind. However, today was different. Today was the first time within the months that I've known Sukuna that I believed that I actually couldn't spend any time with him.

I felt guilty as I climbed the hill, knowing that I could only say a quick hello and goodbye to Sukuna as I have promised my time to Shuntaro as well as his friends that I would be meeting for the first time. And because of this promise, I needed to sacrifice my time with Sukuna today as the guards have been catching onto my escapes quicker and quicker these days- especially during the daytime when Toru is not on any missions.

I was in a rush as I climbed to the peak of the hill, stumbling on my own feet as I tried to go quicker knowing that Shuntaro was expecting my arrival any moment now- yet here I was, making sure that I at least told Sukuna where I would be so that he wouldn't worry. Though, he probably wouldn't care. But even so, he deserved to know that I wouldn't be joining him today.

"S-Sukuna!" I called out tiredly, seeing the man sitting at his usual spot on the peak of the hill. Sukuna didn't turn his head to me nor greet me, he never did. But he knew I was there, he always did.
"I just came- to say t-that I have to go to the village today. I promised Shuntaro that I'd play with him and meet his friends. So I'm sorry, I can not spend any time with you." I staggered out, leaning on my knees as I caught my breath beside him.

"What do I care?" Sukuna asked, a scoff leaving his lips as I spoke, almost sounding offended that I even came to tell him the news. But his tone made me quite amused, knowing that he would care no matter how hard he played it off. Why? Because if it weren't for me, then he'd spend his days alone. And due to the past 7 months, I'm sure he has forgotten how that felt like.

"Just so you know where to find me when you undoubtedly start missing me." I teased, a grin speading on my face as I moved to stand infront of him, blockling his sun as I bent to his height.
"It's been months since we have spent a whole day without seeing eachother- since the day that I got poisoned, I believe." I mused, watching as the man rolled his eyes at the audacity of my cheek.

"I'll be off now, Sukuna!" I giggled, rushing down the hill as Sukuna huffed behind me- undoubtedly glaring at my retreating form. I could even hear him mumble to himself as I left.
"The nerve of this girl." He grumbled, his words making me chuckle more as I rushed down the hill, waving to Sukuna when I made it to the bottom. I spend a good minute or two at the bottom of the hill, catching my breath as I cursed myself for practically running down the hill- my excitement getting the best of me sometimes.

I tried my best not to cough out any blood as I began my walk to the village, knowing that it would not be proper to greet the children with a blood stained kimono nor sumudges going down my lips. But I infact tried even harder not to look back at Sukuna behind me, knowing that the further I walked down the path that the smaller his form at the peak of the hill became.

If I looked back at the pinkette then my resolve would weaken and I would try to go back to him, thus becoming even later to my meet up with the children. As cheeky as I was back there with him, I didn't truly belive that Sukuna would try to find me if he became lonely. His stubborness was too strong for that. Though, I wished that for just this once, he would ignore his pride and join me. But that was just wishful thinking.

It wasn't long before I arrived at the village, walking down the pathway hoping that none of the villagers would question why a girl was walking through their village with a black cloak in the middle of the summer. Luckily, the most of reaction that I recieved were just some confused and judgemental stares- nothing that forced me to speak up.
"Shuntaro-kun, I'm here!" I called out with a smile towards the brunette who's back was facing towards me along with two other kids.

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