Rabbit hole ~ Ch43

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Warnings : Mentions of rape, Masterbation?

¤ 3rd Point Of View ¤

Today was the day pf the Tanabata festival- the 7th of july to be precise. Sukuna had spent all night and all morning deciding if he was really going to entertain the princess by actually going to this festival. It was important to her, he realised that. He also realised that she had most definitely never been to a festival before. This would be her first, and Sukuna wasn't sure if he wanted to miss that.

So Sukuna spent his morning going back and both in temple, going into the library only to go back to his tea room and sit back down. The moment he went into that library and picked out the illusion jujutsu scoll, would be the moment he admitted defeat. But honestly, Sukuna knew he was defeated the moment he walked back into the library after sitting down for only a minute.

Sukuna sighed as he walked back into the library, hating himelf the longer he strolled through, passing each shelf with a glare. This library room was part of his temple, filled with scrolls and books beyond anyone's comprehension, all either stolen or gifted by his followers. There were scrolls and books here that he didn't even read, some telling folktales and myths that Sukuna had no care for. However, he was sure the princess would enjoy them. Maybe that was why he kept them.

Sukuna sighed after laying eyes on the scroll that he had been itching to grab for hours now, sitting idly on a shelf just waiting to be read. This scroll was one he was gifted by his followers a few months ago, the scroll demonstrating how to successfully pull of an illusion jujutsu. Sukuna never thought he would need it, so he piled it with the others. Oh how fate must be laughing at him now.

The pinkette glared at the scroll before taking it into his own hands, crumpling it in his palm slightly as he frustratedly marched back into his tea room, practically admitting defeat with every step he took. The man slammed it down onto the wooden table, his cup of green tea trembling as he sat cross-legged on the floor infront of the table.

"That stupid princess making me learn a stupid new jujutsu to hide my stupid four arms to go to a stupid festival. How low I've fallen." Sukuna cursed as he unravelled the scroll, glaring at the inked writing that was being unvielled to him. That fact that he was going to that festival for (Y/n), didn't bother him. No, it was the fact that he was proving to himself the lengths he would go to for her.

This wasn't the same as warping to the top of someone's house and watching her play with some measly children. No, he had to actually be amongst people. And Sukuna couldn't exactly be amongst people with his four arms and four eyes on show for all to see. They would run away screaming, figuring out who he is and thus ruining the day for the princess. This illusion jujutsu would hide his true form from everyone who didn't matter- which was literally everyone but one person.

Sukuna took a few moments to read through the scroll, seeming bored the whole time as he took a gulp of his tea.
"Seems simple enough." Sukuna sighed and closed his eyes as he activated his cursed evergy, making a hand signal with his hands before attempting this new jujutsu for the first time. Sukuna opened his eyes after finishing and looked down at himself before realising that he couldn't see any change.

That's when his eyes flickered across the reflection of himself on his tea, making his eyes widen slightly. He scoffed at the sight, looking away with a disgusted expression after seeing himself. He looked young- too young.
"I look like a brat. Absolutely not." Sukuna scoffed, hating that his reflection looked like a 15 year old.

So once again, Sukuna closed his eyes and reattempted this jujustu. However, this time he had more of an image of himself in mind. Sukuna tried his vest to picture himself as a normal human, two arms and two eyes just like everyone else. When he opened his eyes again and looked at his reflection, he was almost pleased. He still hated how weak he looked of course, but at least he didn't look like a snot-nosed brat.

Sighing loudly, Sukuna leaned back and layed down on the floor, coming to terms with how much he had changed since meeting this princess. Sukuna used to parade around villages, slaughting everyone in sight and enjoying every last bit of it. He used to rape and torture and not feel an ounce of regret. But now? He hadn't done any of these things for almost a year. He hadn't touched a single woman and he hated himself for it.

Sukuna has gone weak.

And Sukuna blamed (Y/n) for this change. And for what? Why did he keep allowing himself to change? Why did he allow himself to become this weak love-sick fool who went out of his way to make his woman happy? He wanted to feel bloodlust again- to feel pleasure. The pleasure that Sukuna got from sex was unimaginable, his sex drive was high and thirsty. Yet he had stayed away from women for almost a year. He missed pleasure.

With that thought in mind, Sukuna's hand began travelling down his stomach untill it reached the tent in his kimono. He palmed himself with a sigh, closing his eyes as he felt the pleasure that he had missed. He hated himself for thinking of the princess at a time like this, wondering how it would look like to have her pretty lips wrapped around his cock with her innocent doe eyes staring up at him.

The pretty whimpers that would leave her mouth as he pleasures her. How she would cry out his name. The more Sukuna touched himself, his thoughts solely on the princess, he realised how deep of a mess he was in. Sukuna had fallen down the rabbit hole and he knew it was too late to even attempt climbing out. He couldn't help but sigh at the thought and curse,

"Damn it."

(A.N ~ now, go touch some grass.)

Chapter 44 Quote Teaser :

"Festive treats are literally going to be the death of you."

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