Protected ~ Ch47

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¤ (Y/n)'s Point Of View ¤

"Lady (Y/n)!" A familliar voice called out from further down the fields, the meere mention of my name making both me, Shuntaro and Sukuna turn our heads toward the blurred sight of Toru in the distance. Shuntaro's birthday had gone past so quickly, each hour feeling like meere minutes. We had eaten food, shared laughs, playing shogi and I even managed to remember to gift Shuntaro a scarf that I had bought during the Tanabata festival.

I began quickly packing up, realising that in no time at all, Toru would catch up to where me and Shuntaro sat.
"I've got to go now Shuntaro." I told him with a soft smile, standing beside the boy who rose to his feet also.
"That's okay. You made today the best brithday ever!" He grinned, hugging me at my legs with his hesd resting on my stomach. I smiled, hugging him with just as much passion before kissing him sweetly on the forehead.

"Happy birthday, Shuntaro. I hope this year will bring you nothing but happiness and joy." I whished, making him smile brightly before giving me another short hug before pulling away. We waved goodbye before I made my way towards the house that Sukuna was still sat at, him probably feeling as if he were a babysitter. I was prepared to call him down but the man warped infront of me before I could.

"Goodnight Ryo-san!" Shuntaro yelled loudly, making Sukuna glare at the boy who quickly giggled and ran into his house. I laughed as the boy ran before looking up at Sukuna with a smile once Shuntaro was out of sight.
"I guess I'll see you tomorrow, Ryo-san." I giggled, watching as he growled and began glaring at me. I found it adorable that Shuntaro called him Ryo-san since he couldn't call him by his name.

"Call me that again and I'll-" I cut off Sukuna's threats, finishing his sentence because I knew what he planned to say.
"Kill me?" I teased, staring up at him as he squinted down at me. He didn't reply. It was useless to try and finish his empty threat. Because that's all it was now. An empty threat. We both knew it.

"Goodnight, Sukuna." I smiled, leaning up to kiss him on the cheek sweetly. But before I could walk away, the man grabbed my chin and put his lips on mine. I hummed and smiled into the kiss before parting, somehow already out of breath. Sukuna gave me a short nod before warping away within firey wisps, Toru's yells seeming closer now. That was the closest he's ever been to a goodbye. Just s few more months and he might actually say it.

After Sukuna had warped away, I noticed that the fire stayed around longer than usual, twirling around my fingers and neck before fading away. It was an addictive feeling, the warmth was nice.
"Toru, over here!" I called out softly, instantly capturing his attention from where walked while he plowed the fields. The man began walking towards me after hearing my voice, two guards following idly behind him.

"I could swear that you wonder further and further every night." He joked after catching up to me, making ms giggle while walking closer to him. Toru signaled the other guards with a flare, signalling for the carriage to be brought to his location. We didn't wait long for it to arrive and in a only a few minutes he was ushering me inside and getting in behind me.

The carriage set off for the castle, horses leading it down the path. Toru opened the shutters for me, so that I could feel the breeze and see the forest in the distance as we travelled. It wasn't long before I had to bring up what Shuntaro had today me just a few hours ago, needing to know the validity of it all.
"Hey, Toru? Is true that two criminals broke out of prison yesterday?" I asked him, watching as his eyes snapped to mine, clearly not having expected me to know that information.

"How did you know that?" He asked me in confusion, shuffling to the edge of his seat nervously as he played with his fingers. But that was confirmation enough. I just wanted to know why this was kept a secret from me.
"A villager told me. They're worried for their lives." I told him, remembering that Kizuki and Yousuke's parents were too fearful to even let them leave the house. This was similar to the time that they feared Sukuna, refusing to leave their own homes.

"They're ex-jujutsu sorcerers." Toru admitted with a sigh, knowing that he couldn't escape the truth. I already seemed to know half of it, after all.
"They got themselves caught up in the bloodlust and were sentenced to life imprisonment." Toru told me, their story sounding familiar. I'm sure I remember this case from years ago.

"They escaped last night and they're looking for revenge against the emperor." The silver head admitted, unable to look me in the eyes as he stared down at his hands. His words made my brows furrow, hearing that these men were specifically wanting vengance against my father.
"My father? Why?" I asked him, half of me already knowing the answer.

"There were six of there are two." Toru told me, his low voice sounding ashamed, telling me an answer that I had already suspected.
"He killed them..." I mumbled to myself, Toru nodding in confirmation.
"One every year." He told me with a sigh.
"Are they causing trouble?" I asked him curiously, wondering how the word of their escape got to the villager when my father surely wanted to keeo this quiet.

"They burned down some stables and a stable boy with it this morning and killed a prison guard last yes, they are." Toru informed me, making me frown. How had all this managed to stay a secret from me when surely the castle would be in panic right now.
"Why wasn't I informed?" I asked him with a frown, making him sigh and look up to meet my saddened gaze.

"Your father thought that if you came into contact with them that you'd run home and be fearful enough to stop sneaking out." Toru admitted, his eyes looking guilty and ashamed. He knew that if that were the case, I'd be dead. I wouldn't be able to run away, I'd drop my knees coughing before I got far enough from these criminals. Yet he still kept this from me. Why?

"And you agreed with him?" I asked him lowly, watching as he shook his head.
"I knew you'd be protected." Toru told me, making me realise instantly what he meant. Sukuna. He knew that Sukuna would protect me. That's why he never worried about the consequences of my father's plans. All because he knew that Sukuna would be there with me. I couldn't help but smile at the realisation, knowing that Toru no longer feared Sukuna's presence around me. After all I've survived this long.

"Do think you could station some guards around the north village to protect them?" I requested, hoping that there was a way to keep Shuntaro and his people alive without having them so fearful to leave their houses.
"You really care for them, don't you?" Toru mused with a soft smile, making me nod in agreement.
"Yeah...I do." I mumbled.

"You would have made a divine empress." Toru told me quietly, making me look down at my lap because we both knew that that wasn't a possibility.
"I'll order them to take post at the village tonight." Toru told me, making me smile and thank him in relief. I wasn't sure if he had enough men to station. But now I wasn't worried anymore.

Shuntaro would be safe.

(A.N ~ Will he? 0-o)

Chapter 48 Quote Teaser:

"Don't come any closer..."

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