Shameless ~ Ch34

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¤ 3rd Point Of View ¤

It was exactly two weeks that (Y/n) spent locked inside her chambers, not sneaking out for the sake of her father's wrath. But after two weeks, the man seemed to have calmed down- he even made a few jokes on the matter when he came to visit her during her isolation. The punishment of being locked up in her bedroom didn't faze her in the slightest. After all, she has been locked up her whole life.

So on the fourteenth day, (Y/n) snuck out again. She escaped soon after dinner, knowing that nobody would be expected to check up on her in quite a while. The princess knew that she was playing with fire, testing the limits of her father's patience. But at the end of the day, her father wouldn't hurt her. So she was sure that there was nothing he could really do to her that would effect her too badly.

Of course the lack of mooncakes and teas bothered her, but today was the first day in two weeks that her father allowed Hinamori to bake her signature mooncakes. And of course since the princess had already planned to sneak out today, (Y/n) packed them all up in a cloth so that she could offer them to Sukuna for the billionth time- knowing that he would probably never accept them.

Speaking of Sukuna, (Y/n) greatly missed Sukuna, not a day went past that she didn't think of him. And as these days went past, the guilt began eating her away. She wondered what Sukuna was thinking, seeing as how the girl has had just disspeared without a warning. As the girl climbed the hill, (Y/n) wondered if Sukuna was even still there. If by now, he had given up on returning every night. She hoped that he hadn't given up just yet.

"S-sukuna?!" (Y/n) called out with a few coughs as she neared the top of the hill, unable to even see the peak but she was just too impatient. She needed Sukuna to know that she hadn't left him alone on purpose. None of this was by choice. Maybe she could give the man a mooncake as a piece offering.
"Sukuna!" The princess continued to call out, a hand clutching her chest as she made it to the peak of the hill.

Confusion became evident in the girl's face as she laid eyes on an empty hill, panic begining to settle within her body as she began helplessly twirling left and right in hopes that Sukuna had just decided to sit at a different spot on the hill. But no matter how hard her eyes searched through the darkness, she couldn't find him.

Was he truly angry with her, she thought? Who was she kidding? Of course he was angry. This was Sukuna we were talking about. But how could she make it up to him? How could she explain what happened when she had no idea where he was or where to find him? Before the princess's mind could panic any further, her thoughts were interrupted by a voice- a voice that brought both relief and shivers down her spine.

"Where were you?" The voice asked simply, a tone that almost gave (Y/n) goosebumps. The girl began spinning rapidly once again, trying to locate the owner of the voice. After a while, she realised that he was definitely not on the ground. That thought made her look up, her eyes instantly locking on a pair or red ones staring down at her from his sitting position from the branch of a tree.

"Oh, Sukuna! There you are!" (Y/n) exclaimed, her eyes squinted as she attempted to make out Sukuna's figure from his spot on that tree. He seemed to be sat comfortably, his left hung off the edge of the branch and his eyes still trained on hers. He was angry, that much was clear to anyone.
"How did you get up there?" The girl curiously asked, her eyes flickering towards the tree itself which seemed far to narrow to climb- completely forgetting that that man had the ability to warp.

Sukuna instantly jumped down from the tree, landing easily on the patch of grass infornt of the princess before she had the time to even react to his movements. The pinkette towered over her menacingly, his red eyes almost turning a shade of black as he stepped closer to the girl. (Y/n) wasn't intimidated by this of course, but she was worried. She didn't like that he was upset with her.

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