Wonder ~ Ch29

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¤ 3rd Point Of View ¤

It has been a few weeks since Sukuna found out that the princess was dying, them two almost hitting the seven month mark since the day that they met. Though, it was only (Y/n) keeping track of course. (Y/n) couldn't help but notice small changes in Sukuna's behaviour since the secret was revealed to him.

One of those small- not so subtle- changes being that he no longer harmed the princess. He hadn't strangled her nor roughly thrown her against a tree for almost a month. (Y/n) was suprised at this because considering the amount of times he had snapped at her, he stopped losing his temper to the point that he'd harm her. She hadn't confronted him about it, knowing that if she brang it up then he would take pleasure in proving her wrong.

But there were still a few things that stayed the same- like Sukuna refusing to let (Y/n) touch him. If she even nudged his arm, he would push her away. So physical contact was still a no-no for Sukuna. Another thing that hadn't changed was the fact that Sukuna still refused (Y/n) mooncake offerings- burning them if she tried to be sly and attempt to shove them in his mouth while mumbling 'buzz buzz, here comes the little bumble bee.'

Sukuna also still threatened to kill the princess when she got on his nerves, his threats bring empty of course which was understood by both him and the princess yet he said them anyway despite knowing that they meant nothing to her. He couldn't stop. It was a force of habit to threaten her life at this point. It's not like (Y/n) minded anyway, she really didn't want too much to change after Sukuna found out about her heart. And for the most part, she got her wish.

Admittedly, the pinkette was a much calmer man now compared to the man (Y/n) met seven months ago. Sukuna used to be so angry and on edge all the time, but now he seemed calmer- at peace sometimes even, if (Y/n) was nice enough not to annoy him too badly that particular day. She wasn't sure why his actual personality had changed this much but she welcomed it, knowing that it was not healthy for a man to carry much anger within him anyway.

"You seem different from when I first met you...less angry." The girl spoke outloud, her words aimed towards the man that sat calmly beside her who didn't even react to her comment.
"I guess I don't annoy you as much as I used to, huh?" (Y/n) grinned, already knowing that Sukuna has began to get used to her silly antics and unwavering smile. She no longer added fuel to his fire.

"Perhaps you've gotten used to me- or perhaps you have finally come to terms with the fact that you actually enjoy my company." The girl proded, knowing that this specific comment would awaken something within Sukuna as a scoff left his lips- quickly pulling him out of the silence that he has subjected himself to for the past hour. (Y/n) always knew how to get a reaction from him.

"Keep dreaming." Sukuna huffed, still seeming to be in denial which only made (Y/n) giggle because Sukuna had just proven that he had been listeningto her the whole time. The girl then turned her head to face Sukuna as she laid beside him, finding that laying down was far more comfortable than sitting down. Sukuna's words brought a question to her mind, a question that she wasn't sure he would answer.

"Do you dream, Sukuna?" (Y/n) asked him softly, earning a raised brow and judgmental eyes from Sukuna.
"I don't- not good ones anyway. I have nightmares- not everynight, but enough for me to fear sleeping." The princess admitted, telling Sukuna something that she hadn't actually told anyone before. (Y/n) always had reoccurring nightmares of her father trying to kill her, to finish what he couldn't do 18 years ago. This was a secret that she thought she would take to her grave as her father would be offended if he ever found out.

"I've tried everything to make them go away...like flooding my thoughs with happy memories and wishful scenarios like finding my true love. But the moment I fall asleep, my attempts become futile." She admitted with a small sigh and a frown, her eyes now staring up at clouds.
"I wonder if you have nightmares too..." (Y/n) trailed off, her words not actual meant for Sukuna to hear as they were just idle mumblings- but he heard them anyway.

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