Temporary ~ Ch75

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¤ 3rd Point Of View ¤

(Y/n) and Sukuna sat at the steps of the temple for hours, (Y/n) crying into his kimono the whole time. She couldn't stop the water works, her body felt like it was rejecting her no matter how much she wished that she would just feel numb. Her body trembled for hours within Sukuna's embrace, emptying out everything she had been holding back since her life began.

It wasn't long before the sky was pitch black and (Y/n) began trembling from the cold rather than her own sadness. Once Sukuna noticed this, he picked up up easily into his arms and carried her into the temple and then into his chambers. She didn't say anything at all as he brought her into his bed. That numb feeling that she had been searching for had finally hit her and now she simply just felt exhausted.

Sukuna didn't say anything either, his somehow knowing that she wouldn't answer him- not today at least. So he tried not to let his worry eat him up as he noticed how dead she looked on the inside as he tucked her in. Somehow, this seemed worse than when that Shuntaro kid died. And considering how well she coped with that one, he was getting more worried.

The pinkette spent hours upon hours holding his love in his arms, not even knowing at this point whether it was still night or if a new day had come to pass. (Y/n) spend the first few of those hours crying untill she had no tears left. Then she began falling in and out of sleep, nightmare and memories of whate happened today repeating in her unconcious mind.

When she was awake, she held onto Sukuna for dear life as if he was also find a way to slip away from her. She numbly stared ahead, not a muscle in her body moving for hours upon hours. The girl had no idea how long it had been and she didn't really care. Now, she could only think about what her mother had said to her. It was the only thing on her mind and it would probably haunt her for years. Her only family thought that she was a curse.

"Are you really not going to eat?" Sukuna asked her, beginning to get more worried as he realised that she hadn't eaten since yesterday morning. Sukuna himself hadn't eaten either, however Sukuna didn't usually have the common urge to eat like other humans. So the man only really ate if he was eating with (Y/n) or he was bored.

(Y/n) didn't respond to Sukuna, just as he assumed she would. He wasn't sure if the girl just couldn't hear him or was just too lost within thoughts in her own head to pay attention to her surroundings. Sukuna sighed after his attempt, deciding to just let her come out of this phase when she was ready- or untill he got fed up and managed to find a way to snap her out it himself. Sukuna got back into the bed after a quick stretch of his limbs, letting (Y/n) curl at his side as a fresh tear slid down her cheek.

(Y/n) was indeed drowing in her own thoughts, half-heartedly aware that Sukuna was beside her. She wondered if Toru knew what happened yet. Or maybe he was still out there searching for proof of her demise. Toru had always been a hard-head. He was stubborn and sometimes would forcefully be needed to take a break. By now, he must be back at the palace- being told of her betrayal and death. Would they still mourn the old (Y/n) considering the fact that she was now dead to her mother?

She wondered if Toru thought the same way. If he also saw her taking Sukuna's heart as treason. Did her mother push her value's onto the poor man and made him see this all through her eyes? Toru had never once doubted (Y/n), so she couldn't imagine how he'd seem if he hated her. She still remembered the day they met, despite how small she was then. She remembers how he helped her when no one else did, a day that would forever be engraved into her memory.


"Your majesty, there's a young man at the gate. He requests your audience." A guard told me father as he entered the dining hall. (Y/n)'s father loudly huffed in amusement as if it were a joke, loudly chewing on his dinner before washing it down with some cold water.
"Send him away. I don't visit the orphanage until thursday. He can wait." My father told the guard, making the gaurd bow in response before leaving the room.

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