Marriage ~ Ch51

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¤ (Y/n)'s Point Of View ¤

Spider lilies. Those were Shuntaro's favourite flowers. It wasn't because of the fact that they looked pretty or they smelled nice but actually because it was the first flower he found out the meaning to. There was a whole bunch of then on the outskirts of the village that we had plucked together once, that day being the day that I told him the meaning behind spiders lilies- representing the last goodbye.

He was so shocked that flowers could have meanings, not realising that even colour themselves could have meanings. That day he learnt something new and spider lilies easily became his favourite flower. How ironic that it's meaning was perfect for his current situation, saying my last goodbyes as I placed a whole bouquet that I had picked onto a few sparkling stones on his now finished grave.

"The guards will be arriving soon. I'm sure by now the smoke has caught their attention." Sukuna told me lowly, standing behind me as I placed the last flower of Shuntaro's grave, feeling more numb than I ever had before. He could probably hear them rushing towards the village, Sukuna had always been better than the average human. I couldn't move from my spot, my body refusing to leave it's place beside the young boy's grave despite Sukuna's warning.

"Come." Sukuna coed, helping me stand to my feet by gently pulling me up eith two of his hands around my waist. Once I was stood on my feet, I leaned back against Sukuna with my eyes never parting from the grave, knowing that if I attempted to stand alone then I would crumble right back against the ground. Sukuna gently wrapped his hand around my eyes, constructing my vision as he warped me away from the village. I know we had arrived once the smell of blood had left my senses.

The moment Sukuna's hand had left my head and I noticed we were back at the peak of the hill, I crumbled to the ground weakly. However, this time I didn't crumble alone. Sukuna brought himself down to the floor first, making sure then when I fell, it would be on his lap. I positioned my self so that I was between his legs, leaning my back against his chest as I watched the red cloud in the sky ahead become more of a maroon colour.

"How could people be so evil?" I whispered, looking over at the colour of misty blood in the air, knowing that all those people were now dead. I felt weak, my ownly comfort was knowing that the two men responsible were dead thanks to Sukuna. I did not have the pleasure of watching their deaths, but I heard their screams. I wasn't sure how, but I did. And I saw their bones, sitting right behind me as Sukuna dug Shuntaro's grave.

Sukuna froze at my words, becoming rigid as he held me. I knew my words were not the best choice considering my company, but I meant them.
"He was an innocent boy..." I whispered, looking down at my crimson kimono that had soaked the majority of Shuntaro's blood. Even my hands were stained and I hated it.

Sukuna stayed silent for a while, probably not knowing how to respond. I didn't expect him to, it was a hard question to answer. But instead of answering, he asked a different question.
"Am I evil?" He suddenly questioned, almost shocking me with the sudden curiosity. I wasn't sure if he wanted me to tell the truth or lie to him, he would be able to tell either way because he knew the answer.

"You are." I mumbled simply, not sugar coating my words nor looking up at him as I spoke. Somehow Sukuna became more rigid after my words, his grip on my waist tightening slightly.
"But not with me." I finished, telling him how I truly saw the situation. I ahve always looked at the bright side, seeing good in people that I probably shouldn't be looking for.

But even if you were the most evil person in the world yet kept your evil locked away in a box while you're with me. Then that was okay. I am okay.
"You kill often and ruin people's lives. But as long as those people aren't anyone I love, then that's fine. It's selfish to say, but that's enough for me." I mumbled, Sukuna relaxing at my words, seeming relieved.

It was probably rare for someone to accept Sukuna the way he is, without forcing him to change and be better. Sukuna is amazing just the way he is. Rough on the outside but warm on the inside, whether he admit that or not.
"That is why contrary to Toru's beliefs, I would be a terrible empress." I mused bluntly, my voice carrying now amusement yet my words were so ironic. If my family knew my ideologies, they would be concerned.

"Shuntaro...he thought I'd be a wonderful empress. He gave me unconditional friendship and unconditional praise. He would have grown up to be an amazing and strong man with a lovely wife and wonderful kind-hearted children of his own." I smiled sadly, now knowing that could never happen. Sukuna listened quietly, not saying a single word.
"I wouldn't have been able to attend the wedding but I'm sure it would have been grand." I mumbled, imagining the young boy with the girl he so clearly admired, Kizuki.

"Marraige is for the weak. If he were to grow up strong, then marriage is out of the question." Sukuna said lowly, finally pitching in his own thoughts. I finally turned my head to face the pinkette, intrigued by this ideology of his.
"What do you mean?" I asked him, wanting to explain it to me. I never realised marriage could add to a person's weakness.

"Marriage is for people who don't trust their own pledge- their own commitment. If you need a scroll to prove your love, then you're not really in love." Sukuna explained, watching as I hung on to every word he spoke. I never thought about it like that. I honestly just loved the ceremonies, a feeble dream of mine that I know would be impossible to come true. But now, I wasn't so dissapointed. Maybe Sukuna knew that.

"I soppose you're right." I mumbled, buring my head into the crook of Sukuna's neck with a soft sigh.
"Still, he would have been an amazing man- a faithful lover, marriage or not." I whispered, my eyes becoming watery the longer we talked about this. It hurt knowing there were just feeble dreams. And dreams never came true, that's why we dream them instead- to lie to cope.

"I agree. He was annoying but...determined. The strongest men are usually both." Sukuna told me, making me smile at his admittance. If Shuntaro was alive, Sukuna would never be caught dead praising the boy. I hoped Shuntaro could hear him now.
"I miss him." I whispered, my voice cracking from how hard I was trying not to cry. Sukuna pulled me in closer to him as a tear slipped down my cheek, holding me tightly as we watching the gaurds swarm the northern village with swords in hands.

I wonder what they'd think when they find that the killers were already dead?

(A.N ~ I'm going to morocco in a few days! I'm staying for a month or so, so updates will either be unreasonably frequent or painfully slow. There is no in between. Roughly two chapters untill you hate me and three untill you love me again!)

Chapter 52 Quote Teaser :

"Would you...kill for him just as he would for you?"

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