Different ~ Ch72

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¤ (Y/n)'s Point Of View ¤

"You have a bath here too?!" I gushed in awe, my bare footsteps making patting noises along the tiled floor as I ran towards the bath. It was big, the size of a public bath at an onsen and I hadn't expected such a tiny door at the back of Sukuna's temple to lead to such a big hidden treasure. No wonder he hadn't swam with me at the lake all those times, he had this waiting for him back at home.

"You didn't know?" Sukuna asked with a chuckle, slowly trailing behind me as I zapped around the room. The sides of the floor beside the walls were decorated with heating stones, making the place much warmer and relaxing. The bath seemed to have already been filled, the steam rising to the cieling. I wonder if the bath was just always prepared in case Sukuna decided to spontaneously bathe in it.

"It looks so prisitine." I mumbled, my eyes widened as I looked around. I squated beside the water, holding out my hands for a few moments to feel the steam slip past my fingers. Even my castle didn't have such a thing, instead we had an outdoor bathing area. Beside the peak of the mountain where naturally warm water runs down. I was never allowed to go as the short climb up was never deemed safe enough for me. So I was always washed in a regular bath, with buckets of heated water constantly brought to me.

"It was built only last year." Sukuna told me, watching as I admired the tiling beneath the crystal clear water. I grinned as an idea flashed through my head. Seeing as the bath had already bee prepared, it woupd be a shame to waste perfectly good water. A cheeky smile slipped past my cheeks as I stood straight and turned to Sukuna. I teasingly and slowly began untying the string to my hadajuban (that still being the only thing that I've been wearing).

A dark look took over Sukuna's eyes as he watched me teasingly undress with eavy lidded eyes and a raised brow. I giggled as I saw hunger and lust consume his features, continuing to slowly slip out of my thin clothing.
"And what do you think you're doing, little princess?" Sukuna asked me darkly, his eyes not even blinking as he took in every patch of skin that I was revealing inch by inch.

"I'm going to have a little soak." I replied cheekily, giggling as my robes fell to the floor. Sukuna didn't reply, memorising my body despite the fact he already had seen it multiple times. I became giggly as I took a step into the water, going down by the steps that where at the side to enter. I hummed at the feeling at the warm water, the heat surrounding me more and more as I took each step further in.

I sighed once my body was fully submerged, the heat feeling amazing on my body. My back was turned towards Sukuna and yet I already knew that he was staring intently at it. I didn't need to look back in order to know. The water reached about halfway up my breast, the curve of them being more prominent under the orange tinted light of the lanterns that were lit around us. I swam all the way to the edge, turning around to face Sukuna while leaning on the sides.

"Are you going to join me or just stare?" I asked him with a giggle, pulling my hair over my shoulder so that he had more to look at. I could see the way his eyes flickered over my skin, locking on the marks over my neck that he seemed almost obsessed with. Before he hsd the chance to reply, closing in footsteps caught both of our attentions.

It wasn't long before a young boy- around my age entered the room. His face contorted into one of suprise with wide eyes once he entered the room, seeing Sukuna right before him.
"Master, I didn't tell me that you'd like to bathe today! Would you like me to feth a few girls to prepar- oh, wow." The boy cut himself off, his eyes drifting to my nude figure in the water. He gulped, seeing the orange hue contrast against the plumper parts of my body, creating shadows at other parts.

He was mesmerised and time seemed to slow down for him, giving him a chance to see almost everything by body had to offer. A single bead of sweat dripped down his forehead, going in slow motion for me and probably him too. I knew what was coming next and I felt sorry for the boy, he didn't know I'd be here- nor nude for that matter. He seemed young and inexperienced too.

Before I had time to react to the fact that this boy had seen me naked or open my mouth to say a single word on the matter, Sukuna had clicked his fingers and he was sliced into what looked like 6 pieces while the boy's eyes were incinerated. Blood began pouring out beneath where he once stood by the door, luckily not drifting it's way towards the water. My head tilted with a pout after seeing him die, looking back at Sukuna who had an angry sneer on his face.

"You killed him." I pouted, looking over at my lover who seemed furious despite the fact that the boy was now already dead. He'd probably torture him if he could, but he the only thought that was probably on his mind when he realised what this boy had seen was that he needed to die. Sukuna was an impatient thing, it was practically a reflex.
"He saw your naked body." Sukuna growled, glaring at the dead body as if he weren't already dead.

"The kid was just a boy. He's probably never seen a woman nude before." I pouted, leaning on my arms as I stared up at Sukuna with puffy cheeky- unable to help that fact I felt pity for him.
"Then I guess, your body was the first and last he'll ever see." Sukuna replied sarcastically, making me chuckle softly. I didn't reply, seeing that Sukuna was slowly calming down after seeing the boy's dead body- relieved that he wouldn't live to tell the tale of seeing what belonged to Sukuna.

I couldn't help but be suprised that the boy was brave enough to even come here considering that yesterday Sukuna had threatened everyone and demanded them not so show their face unless he requested it. This boy either hadn't gotten the message or was just really brave. Well, I guess it didn't matter now. He was dead, after all.

It wasn't long before Sukuna had practically ripped off his kimono and joined me in the water. I was slightly distracted as he got in, staring at my own reflection with awe in my eyes. I tilted my head as I looked down at the water, seeing the tattoos around my neck- almost looking like a collar. A collar that I've come to adore. But then my eyes drifted to my face, my plump cheeks and tanned skin. The lack of dark circles under my eyes. It was weird seeing myself look so...healthy.

Sukuna closed in from behind me, pressing his chest to my back and leaning his cheek against the side of my temple so that he could also look down at what it was that I was so distracted by. My fingers traced over my face, hovering over my cheeks and eyes.
"I look so different." I mumbled to him, leaning back against him as he nuzzled his face against my hair.

"You look beautiful." Sukuna told me, his admittance being such a rare thing.
"I do?" I asked naively, looking towards my side so that I could see him. Sukuna hummed in reply before spinning me around by my wrist before easily hoisting me onto his hips so that my legs were wrapped around him. He pressed himself against my core as he back me up against the edge of the bath, his forehead now pressed against mine as we looked each other deeply in the eyes before saying,

"You look alive."

(A.N ~ Did you enjoy?)

Chapter 73 Quote Teaser :

"I think it's time that I face my family..."

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