Red ~ Ch71

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¤ (Y/n)'s Point Of View ¤

I wasn't sure how long it had been. A few hours maybe? Maybe, it was dusk already. I didn't know for sure. When I'm surrounded by books and scrolls, they are the only things that I see- the only things that I'm sure of. Sukuna had shown me his library this morning and I immediately fell in love. The place had hundreds- no, thousands of things to read.

Half of of his reading material were jujutsu related and the other half folktales and mythology. I wondered why he kept such scrolls when he hated fictional writing- half his library was filled of it. It made no sense to me. Currently, I was alone in the library with my nose buried in the hundredth scroll today. Sukuna hadn't been present for a few hours, assuring me that he was still close enough to keep my cursed energy under control- whatever that meant.

At the moment, Sukuna was talking to a supporter of his. He mentioned to me about how he'd like to have a chat with them, to tell them not to be around the tenple during my presence. And 'chat' in his vocabulary was closest defined as threaten. He'd probably say something along the lines of 'If I see a single pair of eyes, I'll gouge them out.' - or something like that. Sukuna told me that if he needs them, then he'll summon them- that he can't have them continue to pop out of knowhere.

I had a feeling it was because of how the last supported reacted to seeing me. Jealousy was a fickle little thing, wasn't it?
"You've been here all day." A familiar voice said pointedly as he entered the room, making me smile down at the scroll I was reading. I was sat on a seat that was made out of sheep fluff, made to be a small dumpling shape that was closer to the floor. It was very comfortable and Sukuna warmed my heart when he told me that he had it made in hopes I would one day visit.

"This is by far my favourite room." I told him with a sweet smile, looking up at him as he stood above me. It wasn't long before he sat on the ground infront of me, a small warm smile on his face too.
"I figured it would be." Sukuna mused, sitting cross legged.
"Did you find anything good?" Sukuna asked me, motioning towards the chaotic mess that I've made on the floor around me. Book were pilled up into little bunches and scrolls were placed in almost what looked like a summoning circle. It was quite a sight to see.

I giggled sheepishly, scratching the back of my neck shyly as I now took into account the mess I had made. I will get to cleaning it all up- eventually.
"Mhm, there are alot of tales and myths that I've never read before." I gushed happily, pointing the piles that I had made that show what I have read and haven't read. A very organised mess.
"I'm glad you're enjoying yourself." Sukuna chuckled, moving himself so that he wad leaning against the wall at my side.

"Have you really not read any of these before?" I asked curiously thinking that he must have at least read afew for it to be worthy of this library of his. Sukuna shook his head, denying immediately.
"Fictional tales have never interested me." Sukuna told me, making me pout.
"Yet you still keep them here." I added, my question sounding more like a curious statement.

"I never used to. I used to burn the scrolls that had no use to me." Sukuna told me, almost making me gasp. I wonder how much unknown folktales he had managed to destroy. I would have loved to read every single one of them.
"And what changed?" I asked him curiously, setting down the old scroll that I was reading so that I could pay Sukuna more attention.

"You." Sukuna replied simply, giving me a one word answer that made my heart beat faster and my cheeks blush pink.
"I knew that one day, when I showed you this place that you would adore it." He admitted lowly, giving me brief eye contact before looking outside the shutters beside us. I smiled at his answer, finding my heart warming at his words. All this time, he's collected all of this...for me?

"That's why you have this collection now?" I asked him with a happy giggle, shuffling my seat closer to him. Sukuna hummed in response, making my smile become wider in glee.
"What if I died before you could show me this?" I asked him curiously wondering if he would burn it all to a crisp with the snap of his fingers.

"You did die before I could you you this." Sukuna replied sarcastically, making me gasp with a loud laugh before lightly hitting his shoulder due to his comment. He seemed smug at his smartness, offering me a smirk and a side-eye glance which just made me playfully glare at him in return.
"You know what I meant." I told him with an amused huff, a small smile lingering still on my lips.

"I guess if that happened, I'd have to read them all." Sukuna replied, his answer shocking me. I suspected he'd distroy them, or just not touch them all all. I didn't expect him to actually read them. Not just one- but them all.
"Really? But you just said that you have no intrest in fictional tales." I told him with wide eyes, him humming in aknowledgment at my words.

"I don't. But if you died- for real...then, they'd all remind me of you." Sukuna told me, his voice coming out softer than it usually does- but still holds the confidence that it usually has. My lips parted in suprise at his words, not expecting him to say something so deep. Almost everyone goes about their day thinking that the Ryomen Sukuna has no emotions...But if that were true, then he wouldn't read folktales to remind himself of his dead lover. No monster would have that mindset.

"Is there anything else that reminds you of me?" I asked him slowly, curiousity laced in my voice. He hummed a yes, making me perk up once again.
"Like what?" I asked him with a tilted head. Sukuna stayed silent for a while before again looking through the open shutters and staring at the lowering sun.
"Sunsets." He said simply, making me look over to the opwn window and to the sky. It was a beautiful pink hue today, making me smile. We always used to meet at sunset.

I crawled over to Sukuna with a smile, straddling him with each of my thighs around his hips. His hands comfortably rested on my thighs before looking up to me, no longer resisting eye-contact.
"You know what reminds me of you?" I asked him with a small smile, my arms aroudn his neck as my eyes flickered from his eyes to his lips.

"Tell me." He mumbled, his eyes doing the same and locking on my lips.
"The colour red." I whispered before connecting our lips together. He hummed into my mouth, his tongue entering my mouth naturally as he fought for dominance. I didn't put up a fight, too entranced by how his lips tasted so sweet.

I told the truth earlier. I will never look at the colour red with ignorant eyes again. It used to mean so many things. Blood. Pain. Anger. Love. Passion. Danger. But now?

All I'll see is Sukuna.

(A.N ~ Oh how I adore setting a countdown for the angst. 2 Chapters...)

Chapter 72 Quote Teaser :

"Master, you didn't tell me that you'd like to bathe today! Would you like me to fetch a few girls to prepar- oh, wow..."

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