His Name ~ Ch10

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¤ (Y/n)'s Point Of View ¤

It goes without saying that Sukuna used his red flames to burn all my moon cakes to a crisp- simply for the sheer audacity that I had to ask him. It was a shame to see such nice snacks go to waste, but I honestly knew what I was expecting when I asked if he wanted any.

After Sukuna had left- dissapearing into a pit of flames, I realised that quite some time had gone past since I snuck out and yet Toru had yet to realise that I was gone. The day was still bright and the sun still quite high in the sky and although I had simply planned to stay here ontop of the hill and eat my mooncakes- I no longer had any to eat now that Sukuna had got to them. So I thought that since I'm outside and nobody has yet raised any suspicion on my whereabouts, I may as well go exploring.

I set my mind on going over to the village down the northern path, realising that I had yet to actually see the village as the last time I tried- I was distracted by Sukuna. So now that I was alone- now with the definite fact that I would not be seeing Sukuna for a second time today, I began making my way to the village.

Unlike yesterday, it hurt to go down the hill- by the time I was at the bottom, I was on my knees and clutching my chest in pain. Everyday the pain increases, everyday the struggle of living became harder. Which was why it was important that I do what my heart desired now- or I'd die with a thousand regrets.

Once the pain faded, I set myself on the path for the village- following the trails of dirt through the tall grass, wondering if maybe I'd meet another person today who I could add to my short list of friends. I was soon dissapointed once I realised that I would not meet another single person while on the trail, everything silent as I walked to the village. But what was more peculiar was that when I actually arrived at the village after my 10 minute walk, was that there was not a soul in sight.

My brows furrowed as I opened the gates, one hand clutched on my chest- half-heartedly acknowledging my pain as I looked around. Walking through the village, my brows furrowed as I saw multiple clothes hanging on a tattered string which told me that people did infact live in this ghost town. The village was completely silent, no matter which path I took and no matter who's house I went past- I still didn't see a single person. I couldn't help but be left abut on edge, wondering what had happened here.

Before I could will myself to knock on someone's door, I saw a singular kid playing with his wooden toys on the grass- sitting alone on the bench by the exit of the village. I walked up to him cautiously, catching his attention instantly by the shimmer of my golden kimono. Sitting by him on the bench, I tried to catch my breath before I could even think about questioning the small boy.

"Hello, Miss. My name is Shuntaro!" He greeted, a smile on his face as he scooted closer to me. A giggled left my lips as I greeted him back, watching as he looked in awe at my clothing- not being to help but to touch my hanging sleeves with a gasp.
"Are you...are you a princess?" He asked me, his mouth in the shape of an 'o' as he shyly looked up to meet my gaze.
"I am." I giggled, nodding to confirm his suspicions which only made him gasp more dramatically. Shuntaro was so adorable that I wanted to pinch his cheeks and take him home with me- but he was far better here than at the palace with me.

"But it's a secret- so you can't tell anyone. Could you do that for me?" I asked him gently, putting a finger over my lips to show the importance of this secret. I couldn't have news of the princess leaving the castle travelling to my father- he would come home instantly just to scold me. His scoldings were far worse than Toru's- more descriptive about the consequences.

The kid nodded frantically at my words, a grin gracing his face as he agreed.
"Yeah!" Shuntaro exclaimed loudly, causing a chuckle to leave my lips. After that, I couldn't help but look down- realising that he was playing alone rather than with a group of friends- his wooden blocks being his only entertainment.
"Where are your friends?" I asked with a small frown, looking back at the seemingly desserted village with sad eyes.

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