Little one ~ Ch46

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¤ (Y/n)'s Point Of View ¤

Honestly, I didn't think I'd ever manage to drag Sukuna somewhere again after the Tanabata festival. I assumed that that was a one time occasion that he would never do again. But here we are a few weeks later, completely debunking my previous thoughts. Today was a special day. It wasn't a widely known festival or a japanese holiday but rather a birthday. It wasn't mine but actually the brithday of Itadori Shuntaro.

Today he was turning 7 years old and I knew that well because he wouldn't stop talking about it the moment that July began. I had somehow managed to convince Sukuna to go with me to see him, despite his hate for the child- or every child for that matter. I managed to win Sukuna over after letting him know that I would spend the whole day with Shuntaro and wouldn't be able to spend any time with him until tomorrow. So Sukuna begrudgingly followed along, walking behind me while glaring at the dirt.

"(Y/n)-san, you really came!" Shuntaro exclaimed with a wide grin, running towards me after seeing me walk down the pathway towards his area of the village. The boy hugged my legs tightly while Sukuna scoffed at the child's actions from behind me for reasons unknown to me. I hugged the boy back before kneeling down to his height.
"Of course I came. Today you turn 7 years old! Happy birthday, little one." I cheered with a happy grin, booping his nose happily which made him giggle.

That's when Shuntaro noticed Sukuna standing behind me, gasping up at the four armed man that he hadn't expected to see stand so confidently within his village today. Shuntaro ran up to Sukuna, making sure to stay at least two steps away from him as he began talking.
"Ryo-san! You can't be here! If the village chief sees you then-" Once I realised what Shuntaro was getting at, I interrupted. I didn't want Sukuna to snap at him and ruin his day.

"Don't worry, Shuntaro-kun. He's learned a new jujutsu that hide's his true form from anyone he wishes." I chirped with a soft smile, watching Sukuna roll his eyes because he knew why I had cut Shuntaro off before Sukuna could answer him. It was better that way.
"Wah! That's so cool!" Shuntaro gushed, taking another step closer to Sukuna which made the man glare at the boy.

"Could you teach me?" The young boy inquired, making Sukuna instantly scoff.
"You got two more arms you need to hide, brat?" Sukuna said sarcastically with a raised brow, making Shuntaro sigh in realisation when looking back at himself. I giggled at the interaction, standing back and watching it happen.
"Aw, you're right. It would be kinda useless for me, wouldn't it?" Shuntaro muttered with a dissapointed sigh.

"Anyway, I made some potatoes! Come eat with me!" The boy exclaimed, brightening up instantly after remembering that he still had food cooking. I giggled as I followed his lead, towards the patch of flattened grass that he had already been sitting down at before we came. I sat down beside him, sitting on a cloth that he had quickly laid down for me with excuse that my kimono was too expensive to dirty.

The moment we had fully sat down and got comfortable, Shuntaro's eyes flickered over to where Sukuna was once standing, noticing that the man hadn't followed along. Now that enpty space was filled with firey wisps as the man waped to a nearby rooftop, sitting at the peak while watching us boredly.
"Is he not going to join us?" Shuntaro asked me with bafflement, pouting as he looked up at Sukuna.

I could only smile softly, shaking my head gently at his question.
"Maybe one day. But for now, he's still adjusting to the company of one- let alone two." I explained, offering Sukuna a smile which made him roll his eyes. Shuntaro seemed to understand what I meant, nodding along slowly as he stared. When he finally snapped out of it, he turned back to face me.

"Well, I'll save him a potato." Shuntaro nodded confidently, making me smile.
"That's kind of you Shuntaro." I smiled, watching as he flipped the potatoes that were roasting on the tamed flames. After a while of being alone with Shuntaro, I began to get confused. I didn't see a single person walk through the village and there were no signs of Yousuke and Kizuki joining us at all.

"Where's Kizuki and Yousuke?" I asked Shuntaro curiously, wondering where his friends where on his birthday. Surely they would like to be here with him.
"They can't come out to see me today." Shuntaro told me, a hint of sadness in his voice that he tried to brush off with a smile. I think he's been spending way too much time around me.

"Really? Not even for your birthday?" I asked him with a frown, wondering what was so important that they could miss a special day such as this one.
"No. Their parents are making them stay inside because of the bad guys that escaped prison yesterday." Shuntaro told me, making my eyes go wide. Criminals escaped prison yesterday? Why wasn't I made aware of this?

"Bad guys that escaped prison?" I echoed in confusion, moving closer to Shuntaro so that I could hear more. The boy then looked up at me with suprise, shocked that I didn't know this as the prison was located behind the castle.
"You don't know?" Shuntaro asked me with suprise, now sitting on his knees.
"I'm afraid I don't." I frowned, waiting for him to explain.

"Well Kizuku told me that two bad men broke out at night time and they killed a guard." Shuntaro explained, making my eyes go wide. Someone was killed and I had somehow been in the dark about it this whole time. This never usually happened. I was always made aware of situations as serious as this one.
"They sound dangerous. I'll talk to Toru about it and maybe I can ask for some guards to be stationed around this village to protect you all." I told him, momstly mumbling to myself as I thought about the best plan to keep Shuntaro and his friends safe.

"Wah! You're so nice, (Y/n)-san!" He excliamed happily, hugging me as I giggled at his enthusiasm.
"Now, would you like the big potato or the medium potato?" Shuntaro asked me, pulling a single potato onto a cloth on his lap as he waited patiently for my answer. I looked at his lap and back towards the flames, reasing one thing.



"You've already eaten the big potato."


(A.N ~ Short but sweet chapter, two chaps away from major angst :)

Chapter 47 Quote Teaser :

"Happy birthday, little one. I hope this year brings you nothing but happiness and joy."

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