Useless ~ Ch37

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¤ (Y/n)'s Point Of View ¤

Two hours had passed since I saw Sukuna, since I promised him that I would be back. When I was escorted back to the palace, I was locked in my chambers as punishment for my disobedience to my fathers. When I had arrived back in my room, I found the dagger hidden beside my pillow. Miyuki must have dropped it off during my escape while everyone was distracted. I made a mental note to thank her later.

Once two hours had gone past, I made my escape again. I waited until after dinner, after my last visit when nobody would check up on me for a while. When I made it to the hill, I once again found that Sukuna was not sat in his usual spot. After trudging around the peak of the hill for a few minutes, I realised that he was not sat at the slope either. I sighed as I twirled around aimlessly, knowing that I'd probably have to go out searching for him. I knew that he'd never make this easy for me.

"It's like he does this on purpose." I whined as I ducked under branches. He said he'd be here and I know that he is here- somewhere. I just didn't realise that 'here' would be on the other side of the hill, or maybe even further into the trees. I wanted to give him the gift before the guards realised that I was gone again but I have been searching for the man for at least 10 minutes now in only my royal kimono which was not made for hiking.

"Sukuna!" I called out again, for about the 13th time. I knew I would have to sit down soon. My heart couldn't handle this much walking and climbing. The blood slowly leaking from the corner of my lips only proved that.
"Suku--" It was the fourteenth time that I had called out his name that he had finally made himself known to me.
"Hello, Princess." His voice spoke almost boredly from behind me. I swung around to face him, jumping in shock when I saw that he was so very close.

"I've been searching for you for ages!" I scolded with pout, staring frustratedly up at him. His eyes stared back at me with a hint of amusement and definitely no remorse in the slightest.
"I know." Sukuna smirked, clearly finding it amusing. Knowing him, he had probably been watching me the whole time. It was all just entertainment to him.

"I realised what this present of yours was the moment you stepped out of your castle. I felt it." He told me with a delilish smirk, walking over to me and taking my hands into his. His eyes were locked on the piece of wrapped cloth that was clutched within my fingers. This action slightly caught me by suprise. He had never willingly initiated contact with me before. It was strange. Sukuna then took the item wrapped in cloth into his own hands and stared down at it with a power hungry grin.

This grin was one that I've seen before yet this time, it seemed so dark yet so beautiful. His eyes practically glowed under the moonlight, a hint of darkness swirling within his pupils. The pinkette seemed so excited. That excitement had probably only grown more and more the moment he felt this daggers cursed energy when I left the castle.

"I needed you to walk quite a distance away from the castle for you to do this." He darkly explained, unwrapping the cloth from the dagger slowly.
"I must say, Princess...You have impressed me. I've been strategizing how how to obtain this item for weeks since you mentioned it. And here you are, just delivering it to my hands." Sukuna chuckled.

A smile made it's way to my lips as I looked up at him, watching his unravel the weapon. I was happy that I had impressed him and happy that this gift was as useful as I thought it was. But I was most happy about the fact that this was the first time Sukuna had praised me, those words gave me butterflies. As Sukuna dropped the cloth and took the bare blade into his palm, he began to admire it. The edges were sharp as a needle, just the slightest touch could draw blood.

Sukuna knew the history of this knife. He knew the power it bow held after killing dozens of Atsuhiras through every generation. The cursed energy he could probably feel right now was probably feeding into his mosochism, making him happier than I've ever seen him. If this didn't get him to forgive me, then I really don't know what will.

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