Flower Garden ~ Ch70

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¤ (Y/n)'s Point View ¤

"Wah! This place has so many rooms!" I gushed in awe, running around Sukuna's temple like a little bumblebee. I had seen almost every room at this point, buzzing from one door to the next while Sukuna simply strolled behind me in amusement. He didn't give me much of tour as I seemed to be doing just fine at that all by myself. The man just kept himself close, watching me to ensure I stayed safe.

I had just come out of the tea room, it looking pretty much identical to the tea house we visited a while back. Though, Sukuna's felt more like home. Now, I was on my way to find the library. My lover had told me that he had a library dedicated to jujutsu and knowledge of all kinds. But this place was like a maze and I had no clue as to where to go. I was far to excited to actually turn around and ask Sukuna so instead I just let my feet take me to wherever it wished to go.

It wasn't long before I found the library, it being quite close to the opening doors of the temple. I didn't even get a step into the library when my attention got captured again, my eyes flickering to the ocean of colours that I could see through the open doors of the temple. I instantly stopped my advances into the library and turned on my heel, walking towards the colours as if I were under a spell.

Once I walked through the doors towards the outside, I gasped in suprise. There was a large field surrounding the temple, half the field occupied by different arrangements of flowers and the other half by gorgeous ripe fruits. I had been here before, not very long ago and yet I hadn't noticed any of this untill now. It was so beautiful. I took slow steps forwards, as If I would scare the flowers away while Sukuna leaned against a pillar behine me. His arms were crossed over his chest and a smirk was on his face.

I then took off into a run, hurrying towards the flowers with a giggle. This was the most beautiful flower garden I had ever seen. I wasn't sure how Sukuna managed to keep this to himself for so long. I twirled amongst the flowers, standing at the centre of the field as the colours circled around me.
"There are so many flowers!" I exclaimed in awe, watching as Sukuna slowly walked closer with a small smile.

"Look at all the spider lillies!" I gapsed, kneeling down infront of them in awe. I loved spider lillies. I would say that they're one of my favourite flowers. But honestly, I didn't know why. I feel like they have some sort of sentimental value. That would be the only reason that would explain how nostalgic and sad I felt when I laid eyes upon one. I was sure that they were someone I know's favourite flower. Maybe Hinamori or even Miyuki. I wasn't quite certain.

I then let myself wonder down the fields towards the fruit gardens. I gasped at the sight of it up close, seeing every time of fruit possible- and almost all of them were ripe and ready to eat.
"They grow fruit for you too?!" I gasped quietly, letting my eyes flicker back to Sukuna who was still silently strolling behind me with his arms behind his back. At this point, I forgot that I was only in my hadajuban. Though, I'm sure Sukuna didn't mind it. If he did, he wouldn't have let me come outside without proper attire.

Only a few steps away, I saw a light green pear- it looking almost golden in the sunlight. It was practically begging me to eat it. I smiled as I held the fruit in my hands, looking back towards Sukuna for permission to take a bite. The man nodded in approval, giving me go-ahead to pluck it from it's stem. I grinned as I gently plucked it, holding it to my lips before taking a huge bite.

A squeal left my lips as flavour burst through my mouth, the sweetness leaving my taste buds tingling. I took a few more bites than I could handle, my cheeks puffing out like a chipmunk as I eagerly ate the pear. Sukuna chuckled at my enthusiasm, waatching me with adoration in his eyes.
"It's so good!" I exclaimed with a grin, taking another bite of the pear which only made my cheeks bigger.

"I grew it myself." A voice said from behind me, making me grin drop as I turned towards the voice. Behind me stood a young man, around my age or maybe abit older- I couldn't really tell. The man kind of freaked me out, his presence seeming to have just showed up out of knowhere. I took a step back slightly as he smiled at me, his smile seeming anything but friendly.

That was when his eyes began travelling down my body, once again reminding me that I was not dressed in proper attire. I shrunk back at his gaze, starting to feel uncomfortable at his gaze became quite a sinister one. I could tell that he was a supporter of Sukuna's by the scars on his arms, matching the pattern of Sukuna's tattoos. He seemed to have carved them himself- which undeniably made me feel more uncomfortable.

I didn't know if I should answer the man or go and run behind Sukuna for protection. I felt guilty for standing there silently, not finding a response that would be able to make me feel any less uncomfortable as he stared hungrily down at my nude thighs. Before I could make up my mind, I heard a click from behind me. And it was then that the man momentarily was engulfed by flames before becoming a pile of ash before my very eyes. I stood more confidently once he had, my head tilting in confusion as I stared down at the black dust.

"Oh..." I mumbled, staring down at the collection of ash. Even my poor pear had become a victim as ash flakes landed and stuck to it. I dropped the pear into the ash, no longer able to eat it after the remains of a dead man covered it. Sukuna set my pear aflame too once it landed in that man's ash. Now this man would sweeped and buried with a pear. Ironic, considering that he apparently grew it himself.

"Wasn't he your follower?" I asked Sukuna as I turned back to face him, seeing him sneer down at the pile of ash as he walked closer to me. I walked into his arms, buring my head into his chest- letting him continue to glare at the man that he just cremated.
"I didn't like the way he was looking at you." Sukuna replied lowly, making me giggle. Honestly, I didn't like the way he was looking at me either. Though I couldn't help but tease Sukuna by saying,

"Sukuna...Were you jealous?"

(A.N ~ What did you think?)

Chapter 71 Quote Teaser :

"I knew one day that when I showed you this place, that you would adore it."

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