Forget ~ Ch53

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¤ 3rd Point Of View ¤

(Y/n) didn't escape the castle for almost 3 days after Shuntaro's death. The poor girl went into mourning, refusing to leave her bed. Nobody but Toru knew what was wrong with her, everyone assuming that she didn't feel well. It was clear that nobody knew how to help her, the only plus side of this all being that the emperor was thrilled that (Y/n) was no longer escaping. He had ordered the staff to give her back all her means of entertainment and even her 'treats' such as teas and her mooncakes- not that she ate much now anyway.

Sukuna during these 3 days kept a close eye on (Y/n) from a certain spot on a different hill at the top of a thick oak tree that allowed him to see into her chambers. So he sat there for a few hours everyday, watching her as she mourned over the brat's death. He wasn't angry that she didn't escape, unlike last time. This time he had expected it. So he let her mourn, silently waiting for her return.

It was a hot and sunny wednesday that (Y/n) had finally decided to escape again, her not even having wanted to leave her bed. But guilt was eating her alive, thinking that she was angering Sukuna more and more with each day that she didn't return to their hill- her having no idea that Sukuna did not mind her absense, because he knew that this was time that she needed to spend alone.

When she arrived at the hill, she wordlessly hugged Sukuna, taking him by surpise. But even so, he hugged her back and silently listened to her quiet apologies for her dissapearance. Now that she was so close to him, he could see her puffy cheeks in detail as well as her permanent bloodshot eyes, even the red stains of blood that were around the corners of her lips. He assumed that crying for 3 days straight had their consequences.

Sukuna wished that he could heal the princess, which was something that he had wished many times lately. But unfortunately that was not within his power at the moment. That would only be an option once he turned into a cursed spirit, when his cursed energy doubled in size. And (Y/n) would be long dead by then. If only he could give her his heart, it's not like he needed such a useless thing...

After catching up with (Y/n) on the hill, which was a conversation that was barely one at all, they made their way down to the burnt down village. (Y/n)'s words were mere mumbles, her forcing herself to speak because that's what she felt like she had to do. The princess gave Sukuna things to carry as they walked to the village, him obediently doing whatever she asked because now was not the time for his sarcasm or angered personality.

He had no idea what it was that he was carrying for her nor did he plan to ask. He didn't even really understanding why they were heading to Shuntaro's grave either. But he would just do whatever the princess wanted because that's what she needed of him right now. The pinkette wordlessly followed behind the princess, not understanding why they were walking when he could have warped them there. But again, if this is what the princess wanted, he would follow through with it.

After a slow and long walk, the two made it to the front of the village where there was a emperor's guard inforced sign that read 'restricted area' in kanji. The guards had also boarded around the whole village with wooden plaques that made it difficult to try and enter. He knew it would be too hard on the princess to duck and dive through these wooden peices, so before she could try to get through, Sukuna covered the girl's eyes and warped her to Shuntaro's grave.

She didn't seem suprised after he had warped her, no longer becoming shocked after the ground gets replaced under her feet. She seemed to have gotten used to it. Instead of reacting, the girl just removed Sukuna's hand and silently walked over to Shuntaro's grave. Sukuna hated this. He hated the way she was acting. He wished he could fix it. She hadn't smiled once today and at this rate, he wondered if she would ever smile again.

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