Unusual ~ Ch8

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¤ (Y/n)'s Point Of View ¤

It was the next morning, the time almost around noon with the sun at the highest point in the sky. I had spent all morning working on the embroidery piece that I was to give my sister on her birthday- which was actually today. But since she was with mother and father on their family trip, I had extra time to make it perfect for her so that I could guve it to her on the day she returns.

My back and neck still hurt after yesterday's events, but only after I touch the wounds. Toru and Murashi made sure to wrap them all up with white cloth, ensuring that they would be able to heal without much scarring. I made Murashi promise not to tell my parents, him also agreeing to it as he didn't want any sort of blame for what happened to me. So yesterday evening went fairly well in my opinion, though Toru was still clearly quite conflicted with my recent rebellious behaviour.

I hummed a sweet tune as I sewed, my eyes and hands focused on my set task- yet my mind was somewhere else. For some reason Ryomen Sukuna just wouldn't leave my thoughts. I found myself thinking of him at the oddest times, set off by the most random actions. I barely knew the man, it was true. But I had never wanted to get to know someone more. He was an interesting man- a man gifted with a handsome face and tremendous power- yet he seemed so sad. I hoped I could find a way to change that.

After a few more minutes of getting lost in my own head, I heard the door open behind me after a gentle knock. I smiled to myself, knowing it would be Hinamori as I had told her to just let herself in when she had finished helping Katsuki making her family's signature moon cakes. I was quite excited to taste them- despite knowing that Katsuki had to alter them to my 'dietary needs', making them sugarless and bland. But even so, I was excited.

"Ah Hinamori, you're here. Tell me, do think Miyuki would like this shade of blue or this shade of purple? She has always liked the colors of the night sky, you see." I told her, holding up the two thread colours in the air to be high enough for her to see while also judging the colours myself.
"I think she would quite like the blue, My lady." A voice said from behind me, making me jump slightly and hold a hand over my heart as that voice clearly did not belong to Hinamori.

I turned my head quickly to face nobody but my personal bodyguard Toru, standing behind me with a teasing smile as he managed to catch me off guard.
"My apologies. I didn't mean to scare you, my lady." Toru told me with a small chuckle, watching as I relaxed into my seat when I connected eyes with his blue ones.
"No, no. It's alright. I just thought it was Hinamori bringing the moon cakes, you see." I explained, a hand still on my heart as it slightly panged from the jump scare.

"I've got them right here, my lady." He grinned, pulling out a plate that he had hid behind his back making me gasp in suprise. I grinned in excitement, clapping giddily as he placed the plate down in front of me on the desk. I giggled as Toru stole one for himself, knowing that I wouldn't mind it. I took one soon after, popping it into my mouth with an excited smile. I chewed it slowing, taking in the little taste it could offer me while being sugarless.

I hummed in enjoyment, taking another one into my mouth when I was done.
"Forgive me for being blunt but are you not sopposed to be on a mission today, Toru?" I asked him, my voice hindered by the large chewy moon cake in my mouth. My cheeks were puffed out as I talked, certainly not something a lady like should be doing- yet Toru didn't mind. He could only chuckle at the sight.

"I have delayed it until tomorrow so that I may assist in patrolling the castle tonight." He told me, his voice without a hint of bitterness- yet his words hinted at the true meanings behind his actions.
"To stop me from escaping again, I soppose." I commented bluntly, a small chuckle leaving my lips after I spoke which showed that I was not offended. After all, he made his intentions quite clear yesterday.

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