Beast ~ Ch76

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¤ 3rd Point Of View ¤

(Y/n) was in pain. It was emotional yet it felt so real. It felt like someone had stuck a knife in her and twisted it slowly over and over again. The pain hadn't dulled down since yesterday's events, in fact it had only gotten worse. The Princess didn't know one could be in so much pain just because of some words. But then again, (Y/n)'s parents had never told her anything this hurtful before.

Sukuna wasn't the type to console someone with words. In fact the man had never actually done that before. So instead of attempting once again to talk and in turn forcing his mouth to speak words he didn't know how to say, he opted on just staying beside his lover through this phase. He couldn't lie and say it didn't cross his mind once or twice to do what he had done for her before, on twisting and erasing memories to make her feel better. But he knew he couldn't. That time, it was (Y/n) who wanted that. This time, she was working through the pain.

Sukuna laid in bed boredly with his arm around his lover who slept numbly with her head tucked into his side. He hadn't done much but stay beside her for almost two days. He couldn't find it within himself to be selfish and leave, instead he entertained himself with the stupid folktales that were on the nightstand. He was desperate, okay? Sukuna would never admit to (Y/n) about reading them, never.

His lover had actually woken up 4 times already through the night before due to the same reoccurring nightmares which he knew proabably starred her family. But now, she had passed the record for how long she could stay asleep without waking up screaming. Sukuna didn't mind being her comfort pillow at the end of it because even though he was slightly bored, her presence beside him was comforting.

The 'demon' as most called him, was used to being alone. Especially at night when (Y/n) had to go back to her palace which had basically been the entirety of the past three years. The man hadn't had a woman warm his bed since before he met (Y/n). But he didn't realise how much nicer it felt now that his bed was being warmed by a woman he actually cared for.

Sukuna could have been lost in his thoughts all day, thinking about how much better his life had gotten since (Y/n) pranced into it. And the man certainly would of done exactly that had he not sensed an unfamiliar presence outside his temple, standing upon his lands. Sukuna already told (Y/n) that he gave no mercy to those who trespass on his land, visiting his temple on a whim rather than to offer him entertainment. Some even stumbled upon it by accident, thinking it was a hidden treasure. No, it was their demise.

But this time, the trespasser didn't seem to be here by accident. Sukuna could sense their intent before even seeing who it was. And it seemed that for this person, their intent wasn't to see Sukuna at all. So with a sigh, Sukuna slithered out of his lover's embrace. The man moved so ever so carefully in order not to disturb the most rest she had gotten since yesterday then began to make his way out of the temple.

The uninvited visitor hasn't made a move since his arrival, standing in the same spot he had been when Sukuna first sensed him. Once Sukuna emerged from the temple, he began to squint at the sight of the intruder and internally groaned and rolled his eyes after recognising his face. The silver haired visiter did not seem to be any happier to see Sukuna either, but still tried not to show his annoyance on his face after seeing him. The man wore casual wear instead of his usual guard uniform which confused Sukuna greatly.

"Gojo Toru, correct? Come to die?" Sukuna asked boredly, showcasing the red flame in his hand to prove his seriousness. Sukuna wanted to make sure Toru knew just how inferior he was to him. Toru of course, knew this. But he also knew that Sukuna was bluffing, telling him an empty threat that he had no plan of actually completing. But instead of pointing that out, Toru wanted to get straight to the point.
"Where is Lady (Y/n)?" Toru asked, glaring at the man infront of him who was calmly leaning against a pillar by the stairs into the temple.

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