Fine Wine ~ Ch27

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¤ 3rd Point Of View Point Of View ¤

It was just after nightfall when (Y/n) had arrived to the hill, this time alone as she didn't want to push how lucky she was with Sukuna being so 'civil' with Shuntaro. Despite arriving around the time that she knew Sukuna would be there at, she was surprised to see that she was alone on hill. She couldn't help but wonder why- if Sukuna was sick or just running late for some reason.

Little did she know that Sukuna was busy drowining in emotions that he thought he had locked away forever, now in a moral battle with himself over one stupid princess.

He spent the first half of the day in denial and the second half of the day trying to change his midset forcefully- only to come to the same conclusion. This princess has cursed him. He didn't know how exactly considering the fact that her cursed energy was locked away within her only very soul which made it hard to sense. But he didn't need to focus on the details now.

(Y/n) waited for almost an hour alone, practicing her embroidery that she had thankfully brought  along with her today in order to prepare a gift for her mother as the Empress's birthday was coming up soon. Embroidery happened to be one of the only few things that (Y/n) was good at and coincidentally one of the only resources easily accessible to her within that prison of a castle.

It wasn't long before (Y/n) felt the change in the air, leaves flying off their stems as wisps of fire travelled through the air around her. The princess smiled to herself in relief, as for a moment there- she actually thought Sukuna wouldn't show up which would have been the first since she met him. She didn't turn to face him as he warped behind her, a small gentle smile on her face as she waited for him to take a seat beside her.

But he didn't.

He just stood there.

Even then, she still didn't turn around and instead just continued her sewing as a teasing smile made it's way to her face- unware of his rising anger.
"It's a mystery to me why you still show up here every night when you claim to despise me so much." She told him teasingly as she sewed, telling something that had actually been on her mind before. If he hated her, why always come back? A question on his mind too.

"A weak heart?" The man growled out angrily, his words making (Y/n)'s brows furrow and her sewing hands stop moving. Did she hear him right?
"Hmm?" She hummed out questioningly, turning her head to finally face him only to be met with the same angry look that she has gotten so used to.
"You have a weak damned heart?!" Sukuna sneered loudly, taking a step closer to her intimidatingly which did not seem to effect her. He hated how she could never fear him.

Realisation took over her face as (Y/n) finally understood what was going on- why Sukuna was bringing up the only thing that she has never told him about herself. Her fatal disease.
"Ah, I guess Shuntaro told you then?" She asked knowingly as she put her unfinished embroidery down on the floor as the girl had a feeling that Sukuna would be needing her full attention. It wasn't hard to tell from the way betrayal flickered through his red pupils with anger being the most prominent emotion there.

"Though, I hope you didn't hurt him to get that information." The princess scolded lightly, knowing that Sukuna was fully capable of torturing information out of someone- especially considering how furious he seemed right now. She just hoped that Shuntaro was smart enough to know that some secrets just aren't worth dying over.

"Were you secretly laughing at me?" Sukuna seethed through clenthed teeth, his eyes never leaving hers. He ignored her previous comment, making it clearer and clearer to her that it would take a miracle for him to let this go. And it would because Sukuna had never felt simply just has never felt.
"Huh?" She asked softly in confusion, swivelling around so that she was perched on her knees while staring up at his towering form.

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