Stories ~ Ch56

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Warnings : Sexism

¤ (Y/n)'s Point Of View ¤

"What are they doing?" Sukuna asked me, his eyes solely focused on the soldiers that were wreaking havoc amongst the village ruins. It was now the next day and my father has ordered the soldiers to continue their search through the burnt rubble to find his cursed dagger that he believes was in the criminal's possession. Despite yesterdays unsuccessful search, my father refused to give up.

"Searching the village." I replied, my eyes flickering amongst each soldier as they practically tore what was left of the village to shreds. They move about broken pieces of wood and pushed around piles of ash for a simple dagger. The lengths my father went for this dagger was laughable, really.
"For what?" Sukuna asked me with his brows furrowed in confusion.

"The dagger." I told him, almost feeling the way his eyes then averted to mine.
"The dagger you gave me?" The pinkette asked me with bafflement, making me nod and chuckle quietly.
"Why on earth would they think that it's in the village?" Sukuna then asked me, making a cheeky grin spread across my lips as I now turned my head to face him.

"Because I told them so." I giggled, watching as Sukuna's confusion turned into amusement. He began chuckling with entertainment, shaking his head while turning to face the village again now with an amused huff.
"Your lies are becoming more beliveable with each passing day." The man told me with a proud grin, making me giggle as I remembered the time that Toru said something similar.

"I try my best." I smiled, refusing to make eye-contact because I know that it would end up with my cheeks blushing bright pink, flushed with timidity.
"How long untill they realise it's not there?" Sukuna asked with a small smirk of amusement as he watched them, this almost being like a game to him.
"A few days, maybe?" I guessed, knowing that my father would want the village checked multiple times before the final verdict was decided.

"I've already admitted to Toru the truth. That's why he's just sitting there." I quietly laughed, pointing over to the white haired man in the distance who was sprawled out on the grass, staring up at the clouds while all the soldiers under his command worked hard in searching. Even Sukuna found this amusing as he let out a huff, despite his hate for Toru.

I then leaned my head against Sukuna's shoulder, a sudden wave of tiredness hitting me as well as a painful squeeze in my chest that was most definitely uncalled for. I've been getting a few of them recently, pain that was not earned. That has never happened before, never have I gotten a burst of pain from simply doing nothing. It concerned me however I did not share this with Sukuna. I didn't want him to worry.

"This whole situation is quite entertaining, is it not?" I asked Sukuna rhetorically, practically already knowing what his answer would be.
"It could become it's own folktale!" I gushed, suddenly getting excited at the mere mention of fictions.
"Though, I wonder what the moral would be..." I muttered to myself, knowing that tales like this always had morals.

Sukuna sighed at my mumbling, shaking his head as I became lost in thought.
"You read those lies too much." Sukuna sighed, definitely rolling his eyes even though I could not see it from this angle.
"They make me happy. Stories are a beautiful escape from life." I told him with a giggle, him not answering because he knew the weight and sadness behind my words.

"Would you like to hear a tale I read yesterday, Sukuna?" I asked him quietly, my smile fading as the feelings I felt yesterday while reading this tale resurfaced. It was a tale I found by accident yet somehow it fit my situation perfectly in my opinion. And though it made me sad again, I'd like to tell the tale to Sukuna in hopes he would see something in it that I did not.

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