Red ~ Ch17

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¤ (Y/n)'s Point Of View ¤

My eyes fluttered open the the sound of herbs being crushes, my head instantly turning towards the source who sat at the corner of what I realised was the infirmary. I groaned as I sat up slightly, alerting the man who seemed to be in the middle of making some sort of medication. My eye sight was still blurry, but I could tell it was Murashi by the color of his robes.

"Lady (Y/n), are you awake?" Murashi asked me with a concerned tone of voice, him bending down to my height with a hand on my shoulder as I clutched my head in pain. My head felt like it was set on fire, sitting on my shoulders like a burning sack of hay. It weighed me down while my body felt light as a feather- while my lower body felt numb, me not being able to move even a single toe. What was wrong with me? Surely this wasn't my heart.

"Murashi-san?" I called out, my eyesight still blurry as I tried to ground myself.
"Yes, yes. Do you know where you are, lady (Y/n)?" Murashi asked calmly, standing beside me as he stared into my eyes. His question confused me slightly, wondering what would make him think that I didn't know where I was.
"The infirmary." I muttered back, my eyes fluttering closed as I groaned in pain.

"Good, good. And your name?" My doctor asked, this specific question even more stranger than the last.
"(Y/n) Atsuhira." I replied hesitantly, my eyes opening as I furrowed my brows.
"Wonderful. It seems as if you're quite lucky, my lady. Not only were you found with a concussion but you were also poisoned by the infamous kutabana spider. It's side effects to It's antidote is mild confusion and disorientation. It seems as if you were uneffected." Murashi explained, my vision clearing up just slightly enough to see his releived smile.

"What happened to me, Murashi-san?" I asked him, leaning my heavy head against the wall behind me as I sat up even further. Murashi plumped a pillow behind my back to help my posture, a sigh leaving his lips after my question. I still didn't understand what was going on. I was told that I was not only poisoned but also had a head injury that caused a concussion? What happened for me to get this concussion? And what it the spider's poison that had made me feel so weak for the past week?

"We're not too sure, my lady. I'm afraid that we were hoping that you would answer us the same question on what happened yesterday. Headguard Gojo was fratic when he found you outside the gates." Murashi admitted, handing me over a cup of tea in which he helped me to drink a few sips. I sighed at his answer, closing my eyes briefly as I tried to remember what happened- but all I came up with was plain nothing...just darkness- and the color red?

"I...don't remember anything from yesterday." I told him, wondering silently how a whole day had managed to pass in which I didn't remember a single hour of it- only a color. Honestly, I didn't even remember what had happened for the past few days- only that I felt too weak to move.
"Ah so it seems you were effected by the antidote, my lady- or maybe the concussion. We can never know for sure." Murashi told me with dissapointment in his tone of voice.

"The specific spider that you were poisoned by is quite lethal if the poison has stayed in your blood for too long- you were lucky to have survived, my lady. I estimate that you were bitten over a week ago." Murashi started, grabbing a stool to sit beside me. So it was the poison to blame for my feeling ill.
"It takes a few days for the poison to kick in but the pain is excruciating when it does. I'm dissapointed that you didn't come to me straight away when you felt it." Murashi said, his words trailing off into what seemed to start sounding like a scolding which made me sigh.

"Sorry, Murashi-san." I mumbled out half-heartedly, my eyes focused on my lap as I tried to determine what the colour red had to do with yesterday. It was on the tip of my tongue yet I couldn't make out anything other than the glowing red.
"The kutabana spiders are found in the wilderness- I'm assuming you were bitten on one of your...outings." Murashi told me with hesitancy in his tone. This made me look up at him in realisation.

"My father...does my father know?" I asked suddenly, my eyes widened as I realised that I was in worse trouble than I thought if my father knew that I left the castle. I mean that's the only reason that I could have been outisde yesterday- though I wasn't sure why. It wasn't any fun anymore without Sukuna- Sukuna...Sukuna has glowing red eyes. The only colour that I seemed to connect to yestersday. But Sukuna is gone, so surely I never saw him.

Murashi couldn't help but chuckle at my urgency, knowing just exactly what I was talking about.
"No, Toru kept the whereabouts of where you were found unconcious discreet. Only me and him know where you were truly found." Murashi told me with a small chuckle, finding it amusing the way my wide eyes began returning to their rightful size- releived at his answer. I must thank Toru.

"I also told your father that it was a Joro spider that bit you, to save us all from the additional questioning." My doctor infromed me, silently telling me that he didn't know how to explain how a forest spider jad bit an indoor kept princess. While a joro spider is more of a common spider in japan, it's poison not being deadly to anyone other than someone who is allergic to their venom. I guess this new allergy of mine was a lie that I'd have to keep for the rest of my life.

"Thank you, Murashi." I told him, the first smile of my day gracing my face as I shared my thankfulness with him. The man smiled back and ruffled my hair.
"Don't thank me just yet. Your father and mother will want to visit you now that you're awake." He told me, making me nod as this was something that I had already realised. I would have to remember all of these fabricated lies- wonderful.

"Murashi, when will I be able to move properly again? I feel quite...numb." I muttered out softly, noticing how I wasn't able to move my legs in the slightest. It was a very weird feeling- pain and nothingness at once.
"The numbness is a symptom of the Kutabana's poison. It should fade within the next few days now that you've been given the antindote." He explained to me, making me nod in understanding.

"I'll leave you to rest now, my lady. Headguard Gojo should be here soon to check up on you. I trust you'll tell him anything you might remember from yesterday in the meantime." Murashi told me, making me nod as he walked out of the room. Now that he was gone, I was allowed to lose myself in my own thoughts. I must have left to go to the peak of the hill yesterday. I remembered thinking that I was going to die so the hill was my choice of destination. But these small things that I remembered did not tell me how I got to the front gates.

My fingers travelled to the back of my head, feeling the wound that was covered by cloth. I wondered what it was that I hit my head on so hard that it damaged so badly like this. It hurt. After my fingers brushed over my head wound, they unconciously travelled down to my lips. I wasn't sure why- I sat in confusion as my own fingers moved on their own, brushing my thumn over my bottom lip as if my body was remembering something that I couldn't. The action felt so...familiar.


Sukuna. That was Sukuna's voice. Did I see him yesterday? Did he not leave this part of Japan after all? So many questions on my mind after connecting Sukuna's voice with that glowing red that was his eyes. I must have seen him yesterday. But there was one question that was above them all...

Did Sukuna help me?

(A.N ~ I hope you enjoyed! Next chapter is more interesting I swear.)

Chapter 18 Quote Teaser :

"Sukuna, I appreciate you saving my life. But if anything like that happens again...let me die, okay?"

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