Light ~ Ch23

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¤ 3rd Point Of View ¤

It was just after sunset on the same day that the princess had decided to sneak out again. After her walk with Sukuna, a guard had prematurely found her admiring the flowers and brought her back to the castle before she was ready to return- or even before she had the chance to say goodbye to Sukuna.

So a few hours later, the princess snuck out again, her being far from satisfied with how today ended. She wasn't sure if Sukuna would be on the hill this evening, considering he had already met her once this morning but either way, she had also planned to pop over to the village to say check up on Shuntaro as she hadn't seen him in a few days. Hopefully, she could spend some more time with Sukuna before she headed over there.

"Didn't you already bother me once today? Why are you back?" A voice said gruffly from the top of the hill, speaking up after hearing the princess fall to her knees behind him in exhaustion while panting out loudly. As much as Sukuna hated that the princess had the audacity to show up twice today, he also wasn't suprised. Because of course the princess shows up the one time he goes to the hill for the sole reason of peace and quiet.

"I thought I'd change my p-pattern abit. Toru wouldn't expect me to sneak out twice in one day." The princess said with a smile, crawling closer to Sukuna with a few pants before letting herself plop onto the grass with a tired huff. Sukuna rolled his eyes at her statement, not even sparing her a single glance. Great, now he could expect her to bother him more than once a day? That's all he needed, more migranes.

"Careful, princess. One of these days you're going to push your luck with how lenient I've been with you." He warned lowly, making the princess chuckle with amusement and a teasing smile.
"Come on, Sukuna! One of these days you'll have to admit how much you enjoy my company." (Y/n) told him pointedly, staring at him with a teasing grin that he undoubtedly hated.

"When I'm dead, I guarentee you that you'll miss me." She grinned, bumping his shoulder lightly which made him turn to give her a glare for touching him. The words that left her mouth made him scoff, wondering what in the world made her believe that he would care in the slightest about her death.
"I highly doubt that, woman." Sukuna growled, rolling his eyes before staring back at the view before him.

However, (Y/n)'s eyes were still on him, staring at him with a sad smile that he didn't notice. She wondered if Sukuna would actually miss her, even if he didn't see how much she affected his life now. When she was gone, he'd realise.
"You'll see soon enough..." She commented with a soft smile, also turning to face the view, now unaware of Sukuna's eyes that had flickered to her. Why did she sound as if she already dying?

"Whatever, Princess. Just stop talking. You've already given me a migrane today." Sukuna muttered with a frustrated sigh, turning his head away from her as (Y/n) giggled at how quick Sukuna gave up this time. He was slowly fighting back less and less. It was only a few seconds before the princess suddenly stopped giggling, Sukuna's words repeating in her head which made her realise something.

"Sukuna, could you stop calling me 'princess'? I know I've never mentioned this before but I'd rather you call me by my name than the title that I don't live up to." (Y/n) told him, staring at him confidently as she asked this of him- even though she was sure of what he would say in reply to her request the moment he huffed breathlessly.

"As if I'd listen to what you want, Princess." Sukuna told her, a smirk on his face as he watched her frown with puffed cheeks, him purposefully putting emphasis on the word he never realised she hated. He wondered why she hated it. It was only her born title after all.
"Okay, now you're doing it to spite me." She deadpanned, glaring at him lightly as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"What gave me away?" Sukuna mocked sarcastically, a smirk still on his lips, getting cocky now that he had found something that annoyed the princess- especially since she could always annoy him so easily. Now it was fair game.
"Ugh, Sukuna! I call you by your name. You should at least give me the same curtesy!" (Y/n) whined, swivelling around on the grass so that she was facing Sukuna and he could no longer ignore her.

"I've never allowed you to call me by name." Sukuna told her, telling her what seemed like the inarguable truth- but little did they both realise, that he technically did give her permission to call him by his name the moment he started killing everyone else who called him it- her being the only one who he allowed to live.

"That's...true." (Y/n) mumbled out after a pause, not knowing how to argue with that because he was right- he never gave her permission. But then again, he did stop telling her not to call him by it.
"But still!~" The girl whined, pouting her bottom lip untill it was red and swollen.
"Whatever, princess. Go bother someone else." Sukuna grumbled out, his words making (Y/n) sigh as she indeed had someone else to see today.

"Okay." (Y/n) said with a small yawn, begining to stand on her feet as she dusted off the pieces of grass on her body, unaware of the confused red piercing eyes staring up at her. With that, (Y/n) began to walk down the hill, beginning her journey to the village to see Shuntaro as she had already planned to do, knowing that she didn't have long until Toru came out to find her. Sukuna's brows furrowed as he watched her walk away from him, never having been more confused in his life.

"Is this a joke?" He found himself asking outloud, his words making (Y/n) stop her advances to turn to face him with an innocently confused expression as well as a cutely tilted head.
"Huh? Is what a joke?" She asked back softly, only just a few steps away from him and luckily not too far down the hill yet.

"Since when did you ever leave when I tell you to?" Sukuna asked with a scoff, never having seemed more baffled than right now as he watched the princess actually leave on command. This had never happened. It seemed so foreign and he absolutely hated it. When he told her to leave, he didn't actually expect her to bloody leave.

(Y/n)'s face lit up in understanding, not being able to help but to smile knowingly as she looked up at Sukuna.
"Oh! I was going to go to the village to see Shuntaro- the orphan that I've mentioned before. I haven't seen him for a while and I'd like to check up on him." (Y/n) explained brightly, a cheeky grin spreaking across her face as decided to tease him- her favourite hobby.

"Why? Do you want me to stay?" The girl replied cheekily, her eyes turning into cute and small crescent moons as she giggled teasingly. Sukuna growled loudly at her words, his lips twitching in anger at the girl's audacity.
"Get out of my sight." Sukuna spat out, his defensive anger only making the girl giggle even more as she spun on her heel happily.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Sukuna!" The girl called out to him, practically skipping down the hill with a bright smile on her face. Sukuna didn't respond to her but he didn't need to- they both knew that she would see him tomorrow. He would never admit it, but from the way (Y/n) saw it, his every evening from now untill the day (Y/n) died was reserved for her only.

If only Sukuna knew that he only had two years left with (Y/n). But it wouldn't be long until he found out the truths he's been searching for and he realises that he literally dosen't have the time to stay in this state of denial- to pretend like this one princess hasn't already completely shaken up his life and changed him in more ways he'd like to admit as she pulled him into her light.

It wouldn't be too long untill he admited to himself that she was the definition of 'light'- his light.

(A.N ~ What did you think? ♡)

Chapter 24 Quote Teaser :

"Does that mean you're...dying?"

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