Addictive ~ Ch31

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¤ 3rd Point Of View ¤

Yesterday was the most fun that (Y/n) has had in a while. She hadn't been so playful and active in a while- for good reason considering the fit of bloody coughs she put herself in as she walked back to the castle. But she didn't regret a second. She hadn't felt such an adrenaline rush in years. She hadn't felt so powerful in her life as flames that did not belong to her danced over her body. The feeling was addictive.

Unfortunately, before the princess could thank Sukuna- or even confront him, he as well as his flames had dissappeared the moment the games were over. And the games stopped the moment the group began hearing the villagers panic due to the guards that were searching the streets- undoubtedly looking for (Y/n). So (Y/n) left the children instantly, meeting up with Toru before he could figure out that the children knew of her identity as that would be a big problem.

So with a heavy heart, the princess waited untill the next day to thank Sukuna. To thank him from saving her the embarrassment of being so weak infront of those children. To thank him for keeping company from afar. She was excited to thank him, maining because she would mostly be teasing him. But that was to be expected by now as they've known eachother for quite a while now.

However for the first time in a while, when (Y/n) reached the top of their usual hill- Sukuna wasn't there. Instead there was a pile of ashes by his usual spot that was slowly being blown away by the wind. (Y/n) frowned as she walked closer to it, now seeing another pile of ashes abit futher down the hill. This was surely Sukuna's doing, but why?

The princess hesitantly walked down the hill, her eyes flickering over the second pile of ashes only to be suprised by a third futher down the hill. They were small piles, seeming to be the ashes of animals rather than humans. But what use did Sukuna have for torching animals into dust? Now that the pricess took a step back, she realised that there were not just three piles of ash but rather a whole trail of them, leading into the forest.

(Y/n) took in a deep breath, lifting her kimono of the floor as she followed the trail. She took it slow, not in a rush to figure out what what was at the end of that trail because she was sure that it was just an angry Sukuna. The girl ducked and dived under trees and branches, her eyes glued to the floor as she followed the trail. She further she got into the forest, the fresher to scorched ashes seemed to be. The ones she stepped over now were emitting smoke.

Eventually she heard the sound of running water, her trail leading her closer to the river at the centre of the forest. And hidden within the sound of running water, the sound of frustrated grumblings close by. Eventually, she got close enough to see the source, smiling as she saw Sukuna standing by the river with a struggling squirrel in his hands- only a second later, that squirrel becoming ash between his fingers.

"There's nothing wrong with my fire. That woman is just a damned witch. I know it." The man grumbled to himself, unaware that the princess was only a few metres behind him and listening to every word. Usually, he could pick up on her arrival- she was never very quiet with all that coughing a wheezing, after all. However, this time Sukuna was far too distracted to realise she was behind him. He was too occupied trying to convince himself that the only reason (Y/n) was immune to his fire was because she was a witch- not because he was growing weak.

"Are witches even real?" (Y/n) asked teasingly, climbing over a few stray rocks to get to where Sukuna was standing. This was the second time Sukuna had called (Y/n) a witch, a british folk tale that she was sure wasn't real but in fact kind of wanted it be. After all, the sight of seeing someone fly on a mere broom sounded like a hilarious sight to behold.

Sukuna's eyes snapped to the princess the moment he heard her voice, breaking him out of the monologue that he has commited himself to doing. Who needed a diary when you could kill animals and complain to their ashes?
"I've asked Hinamori that question once. I didn't really know what a witch was untill you called me one. So I read a scroll on English mythology. Witches seem quite powerful and I'm...well- far too weak to be compared to one." The princess blabbered, unaware of how Sukuna was rolling his eyes- practically begging for her not to go on another tangent about folktales.

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