Permission ~ Ch22

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¤ 3rd Point Of View ¤

A few weeks passed, almost two months of repeating mainly the same things over and over again. This time including the repeated occurrence of Sukuna destroying the princess's mooncakes...Sukuna and (Y/n) 'coincidentally' meeting every night on their usual hill...Sukuna, becoming more and more curious and confused as to what was the key piece that he was not comprehending about (Y/n)...

Him, threating to kill (Y/n) on that hill when she becomes overbearingly frustrating (which was almost every night)...Him denying the true reasons as to why he even bothered to show up at this hill every night without fail, claiming it wasn't for her. It was all the same everynight. But these repetitive days were the best days (Y/n) has experienced- it was completely enthralling to be in Sukuna's presence. He brought her life the sense of danger and adventure that she hadn't realised she was missing so badly. She just hoped that she was bringing something to his life too, even if it was only something small.

Sukuna still rarely spoke on his own private life, when he did it was either to brag or when he was being defensive against the princess's teasing comments. It took a while at first, but she slowly understood Sukuna more and more. She figured out the ways to get him to speak, even if it did end up in him hurting her just a bit out of frustration. Though, she had to admit- his inflictions of pain weren't the same as they use to be. They didn't hold the anger and intentions to kill as much as they used to, now merely used to remind her that Sukuna had the power to kill her if he wanted to.

If he wanted to...

Somehow throughout these weeks, (Y/n) has managed to keep Sukuna's presence in Gifu a secret. Headguard Gojo who was specifically in charge of checking up on Ryomen Sukuna's whereabouts had no idea that he was anywhere near the castle. Toru assumed now that (Y/n) rarely came back to the castle with no bruises or wounds that she was no longer seeing Sukuna. So Toru was convinced that the killings around Japan (which were crimes actually commited in mimicry of Sukuna by his supporters) were the 'demon' himself, thus deeming the Emperor and the rest of Gifu or even the whole Hida province itself, safe.

Little did they know, that because of a certain princess, Japan as a whole would be safe from a certain 'demon' for quite a while.

Currently, (Y/n) was following Sukuna down the faint dirt path through the forest, this being one of the rare few times that they didn't just sit and share a conversation on their hill- (Y/n) doing most of the talking, of course. Today (Y/n) had come out just a bit earlier than she usually does, catching Sukuna on a walk rather than sitting peacefully (more or less). She hadn't managed to get Sukuna to tell her what the purpose of his walk was, so instead she just followed with a painful struggle, humming sweet melodies that Sukuna no doubt hated.

It wasn't very long into their peaceful walk that the two were interupted by a terribly loud gasp that came from the trees. The two both stopped, turning to face the source. (Y/n) leaned against a tree as she panted, her eyes squinting slightly to make out the blurry figure that attempted to hide further into the bushes. She didn't understand what it was, confusion flickering across her eyes as she momentarily looked back at Sukuna who almost seemed bored.

"Come on out, weakling. You could have blown down trees with that gasp." Sukuna muttered, talking to the blurry figure that shakingly stepped out from behind the bushes. Once my wheezes died down, I nervously stepped closer to Sukuna as the figure hesitantly came closer- Sukuna, somehow for once not caring that she was so close. Soon enough later, the blurry figure wasn't so blurry anymore and (Y/n) began identifying his beige uniform- a trainee jujutsu sorcerer.

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