Meeting ~ Ch13

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¤ (Y/n)'s Point Of View ¤

It was the next day, the day in which Emperor Yuta, Empress Sana and Princess Miyuki would be returning from their vacation from across Japan. Nobody was looking forward to their return- me especially, knowing that it would be much harder to sneak out every night with my father back in the castle. Harder- but not impossible.

"Father, you've returned." I greeted with a smile, standing by the bottom of the stairs as he walked through the palace doors- his wife and daughter behind him.
"Yes, hello (Y/n). I assume Toru and the rest of our workers have been treating you well?" My father asked, coming to me with a smile and enveloping me in his arms. I made the hug short and simple, backing away slightly when he let go- knowing that if he was too close that he'd surely see the almost completely faded handprint around my neck.

"Of course. They've all been amazing company- as usual." I replied with a genuine smile, my smile growing when I noticed Sero's blush from the compliment- him scratching the back of his head sheepishly as he stood behind me. The Emperor then patted Sero's shoulder in gratitude, thanking him for all his hard work since his absence.
"Though I would like to mention, father- that you left for this trip quite suddenly." I told him, a frown overtaking my face as I remebered his broken promise.

"Yes, well it was a sudden invitation, you see." My father explained, noticing how I was slowly loosing my smile as the conversation went on. He knew what it was I was reffering to, yet chose to avoid the topic purposefully.
"You promised that you would take me with y-" Before I could finish my sentence, my father cut me off with a nervous cough with his eyes now flickering around the room- landing on Toru who stood idly behind me.

"Ah, Headguard Gojo. There you are!" My father announced loudly, cutting off my desperate attempt of a confrontation. I sighed as my father moved around me, watching as he now focused all his attention onto Toru behind me. I smiled and gave a small wave to my sister and mother who both gave me tired smiles in return.

"Your majesty." Toru greeted with a polite nod, a hand on his lower chest as he bowed to the Emperor respectfully.
"I would like you to contact all of my advisors. I must call an urgent meeting concerning this criminal Ryomen Sukuna who has been terrorising my people." My father explained, making me quickly turn my head to face them both. Toru's eyes flickered to mine for a mere second before nodding to my father. They were calling an urgent meeting regarding Sukuna?

"Yes, your majesty. I'll send word to them all at once." Toru announced before signalling for Sero and the rest of the guards to follow him as he walked out of the castle with a hurry. My eyes followed Toru as he marched away, knowing that it would take at least twenty minutes for the advisors to gather. But knowing Toru and his ability to make the impossible happen, they'd all probably be here in ten.

My head turned back to my father, watching as he signalled for Miyuki and my mother to follow him into the throne room where he would simply wait for the advisors. I watched them walk away with hesitation, wondering if he didn't want me to join them. Usually meeting like this with the advisors needed all members of the royal family present during the duration of it all- though in my case, my participation really decided on whether my father agreed or not.

"(Y/n), come." My father called out, motioning for me to hurry and follow them in. A bright smile made it's way across my face as I hurried to follow them, happy that my father allowdd me to join this specific meeting- now I would be able to find out what it was they planned to do with Sukuna and why he was the highlight of this sudden meeting.

"Do not run, dear." My mother scolded, stopping me from catching up to them at a quicker place- noticing that I was fuelled by my excitement in following them. I stopped hurrying the moment I was scolded for it, sighing as I realised that I was still behind them. But luckily for me, Miyuki slowed down her pace- offering me a gentle smile as she entwined her arm with mine, walking behind with me. My heart was warmed by her actions, a smile once again making it's way to my lips.

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