Fury ~ Ch9

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¤ 3rd Point Of View ¤

Ryomen Sukuna had never felt such anger be poured into him at once just by simply laying eyes on a girl. Just when he thought he'd get some peace and quiet- some time to himself, she of course just had to be there at the exact time he had warped in. He wasn't really sure what it was about her that angered him so much.

As much as he hated to admit it to himself, he thought about her often- about what it is about her that he just could not stand. Was it her face? Or maybe her voice- or her idiotic smile that makes his teeth clench in irritation. Whatever it was, it didn't really matter. He hated her. He loathed her. And he wanted her dead- but, on his terms.

Sukuna groaned in frustration the moment he made eye contact with her, watching as her curious doe eyes began turning into crescent moons as she smiled in glee. The man roughly clenched his fists at the sight of her smile- the smile that clearly was more for herself than for him. He withered in anger at the sight of her, not even noticg how his palm was bleeding due to how hard he dug his fingernails into it- his eyes glowing red with fury.

"Sukuna!" (Y/n) called out, her smile beaming with joy as she swivelled around her spot under the tree to get a better look at the man. She ignored the look of anger on his face, already used to him only ever expressing that one enotion whenever he saw her. She hoped one day she could introduce him to other emotions- there were many that she was sure would suit him.

"You again." He growled, his eyes glaring daggers at the unbothered royal.
"-and stop calling me by my damned name!" He snapped, a hint of darkness swirling around his glowing red orbs from the anger he felt every time the princess called him by his name. Oh how he regretted telling her it. The sopposed 'demon' could only watch as (Y/n) giggled at his behaviour, finding his anger much like a rabid dog. Of course she's never seen one, but Miyuki had told her enough stories to see some similarities.

"I'm sorry." She apologised with a small chuckle, her eyes not even holding an ounce of fear as a flicker of fire circled Sukuna- reacting to his anger.
"I returned here because I really liked the view, you see. It's quite calming." The girl continued as she knew Sukuna would not make conversation, motioning towards the view of the lands which was still as beautiful as ever to her eyes.

"Is that why you have returned? The view?" (Y/n) questioned softly, looking back over at Sukuna with doe as she waited for his answer.
"That's none of your damned buisness." Sukuna hissed, now turning on his heel and making his way down the hill just as he had done yesterday. Before he could take more than two steps, (Y/n) called out to him with a slight panicked tone- her voice laced with dissapointment.

"Wait! You're leaving again? You've just arrived." She called out, her brows furrowed disheartedly- not liking the fact that he had only come for less than a minute. If that was his plan, he shouldn't have come at all- now because of this, she'll be thinking about him all day. The pinkette turned around with an angered exhale, now stepping just one step closer to her which made her sigh in slight relief- even though she knew she had only temporarily distracted him from leaving.

"What do you not understand, Princess. I do not want to spend even a second of my day in your presence." He hissed, his face twisting in frustration as he spoke.
"But you came here for a reason, did you not? My being here really made you change your mind?" She asked, slightly saddened by own realisation. Even Sukuna was effected by her realisation- wondering why a mere woman could change his plans today just by merely being present. This had had never happened before and that realisation just made him furious.

Sukuna marched closer to the princess, squating down infront of her so that he could menacingly stare her in the eyes at the same height that she was sitting at- her still being on the floor with her back against the tree.
"Listen here, woman. I have felt anger all my life- rage runs through my viens. Yet the fury I feel by simply gazing upon you cannot even compare." He growled, making a pout grace (Y/n)'s lips as she thought over his problem- trying to find a suitable solution for him.

"Then I'll sit further back- that way you won't have to look at me. Just- please don't go." She pleaded softly, her doe eyes becoming bigger as she plead for his co-operation. Before she could even continue to throw solutions to his problem his way, a wall of flames encircled her- Sukuna suddenly seeming overly enraged. She wondered if it was something she said.

"Or I could just kill you now and solve all my problems- even you must be able to scream while being burned alive." Sukuna threatened, a grin spreading across his lips as he thought about the pretty sounds that would leave her lips as the life was burned out of her. She may not cry and beg him for her life- but she was still human, and fire burned. And when fire burned, the usual response was to scream.

However just as quick as this grin graced his face, it was taken away just as quickly as he realised that (Y/n) wasn't even listening to him- she was far entertaining herself with the red flames by her feet. The girl was now on her knees beside Sukuna, giggling as she quickly waved her hands over the top of the the flames- watching as the red flames flickered and moved the moments her fingers quickly past through them.

(Y/n) had often done this back at the castle when she was bored, quickly brushing her hands over her candles- quick enough for the flames to move and for her not to get burnt. It was a dangerous game- but what else would you expect when playing with fire?
"Wow! You are quite strong! Is this your jujutsu? This is truly incredible!" The girl gushed, a smile on her face as she examined the red flames that confidently circled her form.

Sukuna didn't respond to the girl, blinded by the need to wipe her sincere smile off of her face and replace it with a cry of pain. His fingers practically moved on their own, beckoning the flames into a smaller circle- now the red fire could reach her, no longer giving her space to move. The circle wasn't tight enough around her for her to be engulfed by the flames, but it was close enough to brush against her ankle- making her gasp at the heat.

(Y/n) looked down at her ankle, seeing that it was slightly burned- her skin now red and throbbing. It wasn't too bad of a burn but it was enough for Sukuna to judge on whether this princess was simply acting tough or truly did not fear pain. It was almost instantly after he had burned her that he realised that instead of the hurting her, he had actually impressed her.

"Oh my! The flames bend to your every will. You must be quite a formidable opponent." (Y/n) told him with a smile, looking up at his emotionless face with a look that instantly told Sukuna that he would have to spend years breaking this girl if he truly wanted her to fear him. Sukuna's face was stoic as he extinguished his flames with a flick of his finger, standing up to his feet to glare down at the princess.

"One day I will bring fear into those innocent eyes of yours. I will make you feel pain unlike anything you have ever experienced. I will smile as you cry and laugh as you beg. Mark my words, little princess." He spat, his voice like vemon yet (Y/n) couldn't help but be amused by the words that left his lips. Maybe he would understand why pain doesn't faze her the day he finds out about her weak heart? Maybe he'd want to kill her himself before her own heart commits to the task? It was weird actually, becasue she didn't think she would mind. It was better that than playing the waiting game.

With that being said, Sukuna turned on his heel and began walking down the hill. The fact that he was leaving, awoken something within (Y/n)- snapping her out of her ironic thinking.
"Wait!" She called out again, making Sukuna stop in his steps- listening to her as she scrambled to her feet. He then turned around, giving the girl a glare as she apprached him with something in her hands while chiperly asking,

"Would you like a moon cake?"

(A.N ~ Hope you enjoyed! Any feedback is helpful and comments on your thoughts! I read them all so thank you for them! And don't forget to vote! ♡)

Chapter 10 Quote Teaser :

"Could you tell the people of your village his name?"

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