For Me ~ Ch20

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¤ (Y/n)'s Point Of View ¤

After Toru had found me in the rain, the man quickly ushered me back inside the castle- failing to notice my lingering stares towards the top of the empty hill. To say that Toru was dissapointed in the fact that I was reckless enough to stay outside as it poured down rain was an understatement. The only thing he could do as we walked back to the castle was scold me about the fact that I'd probably now get sick. But that didn't matter to me. I had fun today, that was all that I cared about.

When me and Toru arrived back inside the castle, we were both in a great hurry to get me back to my room- neither of us wanting my father to see the fact that I had just been outside or that I was soaking wet. Toru had a gentle grip on my arm as he quickly guided me towards the stairs, his eyes flickering around frantically to make sure nobody had seen us.

"Ah, Headguard Gojo! There you are!" A voice enthusiastically boomed from a few metres away from us, the voice causing my heart to skip a beat in fear. I looked at Toru with wide eyes, him mirroring my look as he caught glimpse of the emperor walking towards us. Before my father could see me, Toru pushed me behind him and the wall of the hallway. I fit snugly behind Toru, my petite figure easily being covered my his armoured body as he leaned against the wall to block my father's view.

"I'd like you to tell Hinamori to cut down on these mooncakes that she's been feeding (Y/n). I'm sure that those treats are to blame for (Y/n)'s health recently." My father announced, earning a small gasp from me in suprise- not liking what I had just heard. But if Hinamori makes me less mooncakes, how will I feed Sukuna? One of the days, he will accept my mooncake. I'm sure of it. But that can never happen if Hinamori stops making them.

Toru cleared his throat loudly, quickly covering the sound of my gasp with his own voice. The silver head began nodding aggressively towards the Emperor, him being too paniked to even process what the man was talking about. The Emperor was only steps in the wrong direction away from noticing that I was hiding behind Toru's back. And that fact clearly shook Toru to his very core.

"Of course! I'll let her know right away!" Toru replied with a stiff bow, staying completely frozen as the Emperor gave him a satisfied nod and began walking down the hall- unaware that if he were to turn around, he'd see his daughter hiding away from him. It was scary, watching him walk away. Neither me or Toru having been put in a situation like this before. Oh how my life has changed after meeting Sukuna.

As soon as the Emperor was far enough, Toru grabbed my hand and quickly began leading me up the stairs. He took me to my room silently, closing the door to my chambers behind us both before releasing a loud sigh as he rested the back of his head on it. It must have been nervewracking for him, having to watch every hallway as we walked so that we wouldn't get caught. If my father knew of this betrayal, I couldn't imagine the punishments that would be given.

"You must get changed and dry you hair before dinner. I'll ask Levi to brew you some tea to warm you up." Toru told me after a few moments of silence, the back of his head was still leaning against my door and looked as if he wanted to smash his head against it. Disappointment was laced within each of his words, and most importantly his facial expression. He looked exasperated- like no matter how much times he would scold me, that I would go against him. And he was right.

"Alright...Thank you, Toru...for everything." I replied hesitantly, my lips pursed as I sat down idly on the edge of my bed. He didn't have to hide me from my father- or keep my escapes secret by telling all the guards to report to him rather than my father when I'm found- to not make my escapes as much of a big deal as they used to be...because I'd come back. I always did.

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