Always Try ~ Ch7

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¤ (Y/n)'s Point Of View ¤

I couldn't help but let out a sigh as I walked back to the castle, following the stone path I took that led me to Sukuna. The moment he dissapeared in a burst of flames, I knew that that would be the last I saw of him tonight. I had gotten my fill of adventure today- it wasn't very much of course, having actually seen Sukuna again made this today's short outing much more filling.

As I walked back, I began wondering ways I could get Sukuna to open up to me. He was clearly a very angry man, one in which only every dabbled with his own negative emotions. I wondered if he had ever smiled before- a hearty smile, not those conniving smirks he has given me. I also wondered if he had laughed before- a laugh filled with passion rather than sadistically.

It was hard to imagine but maybe I could show him happiness one day- just enough to have him wanting more. To see that there was more to life than anger and pain. He had a long life ahead of him unlike me- so maybe I could transfer just abit of my thirst for happiness before I was gone. He clearly needed some source of happiness in his life. Something that could make him happy enough to forget how lonely he angry he was.

"I want two search parties! One going north and the other going east- follow the dirt paths. She could not have gone far!" A familliar voice called out from the distance, his face hidden behind the palace gates as he gave orders to him men. Toru was clearly in panic once again, just as frightened as yesterday on my whereabouts.

As I approached the gate, Toru began dismissing the two parties- pointing at the two exits then must use to find me. Before they could set off, I finally made my presence known.
"No need, Toru. I'm right here." I told him, giving him a small tired and wavering smile through the gaps of the metal gate. I watched as his eyes went wide, turning to me with a gasp of relief that I was back.

"My lady! Open the gates, Kazuha!" Toru yelled, running forwards as his subordinates pulled open the gates. Toru enveloped me in his arms the moment the gate was wide enough for him to fit through. I winced silently into his armourment, finding comfort yet some pain with his arms around my back the way it was.

"You're freezing!" The man commeted the moment he put a hand on my lower back. He had yet noticed the rips on my kimono- nor the blood dripping down it. Toru ushered me inside, ordering Hinamori to give him the warmest blanket she could find and to get Levi to warm up some tea. When given the blanket, Toru wrapped it around me tightly.

The Gojo offered me his arm as we took out first step up the stair case. However the moment I took that first step- even with Toru's help, I cried out in pain. I clutched onto the fabric around his arms tightly, my hair cascading down my face as I winced at the pain. Toru could tell something was wrong, though I did originally find it hard to climb up the stairs- I was never in this much pain after the first step.

"M-my lady?" The silver head asked in slight confusion, worry written across his features as he lowered his head so that he was on eye level- now being able to see my expression of pure pain. That was when Toru picked me up bridal style, his movement were gentle yet still hurt me so bad. I softly mewled in pain as he carried me up, noticing the look of panic on his face as he hurried me to the infirmary. What he didn't know was that I wasn't in so much pain because of my heart nor my lungs... but instead my back after being thrown against a tree today.

I was taken to the infirmary with urgency, Levi following staggeredly behind with his freshly brewed tea. The doctor was already inside, jumping up and into action when Toru had burst through the door with me in my arms. Toru laid me on the infirmary bed, watch me wince loudly as he set me down.
"What has happened, Princess (Y/n)?" The doctor asked calmly, readying the herbs he usually uses for my heart condition.

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