Cruel ~ Ch65

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(Author-chan whispers : Lol, you thought I'd give you time to process my warning? Double update bitches.)

¤ (Y/n)'s Point Of View ¤

Today was finally the day that me and Sukuna visited the new market that would soon be known as one of the biggest tourist attractions. We spent all morning and nost of the afternoon browsing literally every stall. It was a beautiful place and every shop had something unique that I just had to purchase.

I even bought some scrolls and book on jujutsu with Sukuna, despite him telling me that he didn't want anything. But I could tell that he did, he didn't need to say a word. Sukuna kindly held everything that I bought. Everything fit nicely in a basket, and though it was heavy, Sukuna didn't complain once. I tried to thank him but the man brushed me off, saying that it weighed nothing to him. So I kissed his cheek instead, knowing that physical affection was more meaningful to him than words.

Even now, three hours later, we still walked through the market. We spent some time at a near tavern for almost an hour to give ourselves a break. Sukuna had some sake while he ordered (forced the owner to make) me some tea. Though I was dissapointed that he still wouldn't allow me to drink liquor, I drank the tea happily because the owner made me my favourite brew.

"3 rooms available! Only three more rooms available! Check in now or there won't be any rooms left! Oh, Young lady!? Would you and your lover like a room? We've got a lovely double bed and a great view-" I cut the salesman off with a polite smile, already knowing that me and Sukuna wouldn't be able to spend the night. If we did, my father would send an army to find me. But I couldn't lie, it dissapointed me that we'd never be able to share a bed.

I apologetically declined on the inn owner's offer, giving him a guilty smile.
"Sorry but we've already booked a room on the other side of town." I lied, telling him something that would dissapoint him rather than upset him by flat out declining. There was always a way to hurt people's feelings as lightly as possible and I have come to find it easy to do so in my recent years.

The old mad sighed in disappointment but ushered that it was fine with pursed lips while motioning for me and Sukuna to continue on with our walk.
"Have a good day, sir!" I chirped with a friendly smile, waving at him as we moved on towards more stalls.
"You too, young lady!" The man hollered back politely before continuing to loudly advertise his property.

Sukuna hummed in amusement beside me, looking straight ahead with a growing smirk which made me huff and look over at him in an amused confusion. I nudged his shoulder lightly, wanting him to tell me what it was that seemed to be so amusing to him.
"What?" I asked, squinting my eyes at him playfully. He let out a small chuckle before looking at me with proud red eyes.

"Nothing. You just have gotten quite skilled at lying now." He mused, now looking ahead again as we walked through the bustling market. Sukuna walked like a king, arms held behind his back as he walked with pride. He knew his worth. I couldn't help but lightly scoff at his statement, wondering if he thought that I enjoyed lying. It wasn't a game. And if it was, he'd probably beat me.

"Well, lying isn't a good thing." I told him pointedly, not want him to get the snese that I enjoy lying to others. I just do it because he wants me to. I do it to make him proud because everytime I do, he gives me that same look. That look that made me feel like I was the only person in the world. I couldn't lie and say that Sukuna hasn't influenced me over the past 3 years- because he clearly has. And though I've enjoyed it, I know how and when to not cross the line.

"Yet you seem to do it more than I do these days." Sukuan commented with a side smirk. I knew he was hoping to wind me up. The man knew what to say that would make me annoyed and he also knew that I would never express my annoyance- not on the outside at least.
"Well I do it for you." I said shortly, turning my face away from him as a small smile krept on my face, telling Sukuna that I was not annoyed at his comment. Then again there had rarely been times where he's said anything which has taken the smile away from my face.

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