Our Love ~ Finale

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¤ Almost a millennium Later ¤

¤ 3rd Point Of View ¤

And so almost 1000 years past after Sukuna's temporary destruction and (Y/n)'s capture. The elders had carried her binding poles to a cell-like room and had built a prison around it. The prison eroded with time and soon became as old as (Y/n) should have been if it not for the fact that she was preserved within time.

Centuries went past where each generation of Jujutsu sorcerers shared the tale of Atsuhira (Y/n), the cursed princess. However after the first few centuries, some facts about her began to fade within time. First it was the girl's first name that got lost in the transit of messages, then her family name. Eventually, the only thing that stuck was the title, 'The cursed princess'.

2nd Year students would have brief lessons about the cursed princess along with their lesson briefings on 'the king of curses, Sukuna'. They wouldn't be told much about her, only that she would one day need to die in order to stop Sukuna from walking across the earth ever again- once they figure out how to break the cursed technique put on her, that is.

But as time went on, even the lesson briefings became even briefer and the higher ups decided to keep the girl's existance as much of a secret as possible to everyone but full-fleged sorcerers who would need to join the battle when the time would come. Gojo Satoru recently became just that, a full-fleged official jujutsu sorcerer and had already managed to title himself the strongest sorcerer of all time.

Today he officially became a teacher at Jujutsu tech high school, Tokyo centre. He wouldn't take on any students for a while as he still had many things to learn about being a teacher, but starting today- the title was his. Masamichi Yaga thought it be appropriate that he shed some light to Gojo today, thus the reason that Masamichi dragged Gojo down to the prison beneath the school. Today he would learn more about the villians of this world and their schemes.

"Why are we down here?" Satoru asked after a while, his eyes flickering around with uncertainty as they walked through the halls of the prison. He could tell something was off by the way his gut done flips, churning with dread.
"Now that you're officially a teacher here, there is something you must see." Masamichi told him, his voice monotone as he lead the way through the dimly lit halls.

"Well, make it quick. These are new shoes." Satoru said jokingly, a cheeky grin on his face as he points to his fresh new black trainers with not a single crease on them. Masamichi gave the man a glare before rolling his eyes and sighing before redirecting his attention to the large 4ft door that they were nearing closer too up ahead. Something would never change, Gojo would always act like a child- not matter his status.

Once they stood directly infront of the door, Satoru raised his brow as he took in the sight. Hundereds of locks surrounded the door, hodling it in place with chain after chain. It was practically dripping with cursed energy too.
"Now, that is overkill." Gojo muttered, the uneasiness in his stomach becoming stronger- though he still managed to play off like a pro.

"What's behind there?" Gojo asked, looking back at his headmaster who didn't nother answering him. The man instead began to chant some words, letting his cursed energy travel to the palm of his hands which he placed on the door. It wasn't long before all the locks fell onto the floor one by one beside their feet with a loud thud.

Once the locks had all fell, Masamichi pushed the iron door lightly which made it slowly and silently open.
"Follow me." He told the silver head, who was still eyeing the chains on the floor which eventually ceased to glow. So Satoru done as he was told, following behind Masamichi untill he was standing inside the room and infront of multiple iron poles.

Our Love (Ryomen Sukuna x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now