Selfish ~ Ch55

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Warnings : Brief mentions of sexual relations

¤ 3rd Point Of View ¤

That same night, Sukuna warped (Y/n) back to the castle. He had gotten so used to warping her back now, it became habit the moment they said their goodbyes. He didn't see the point in letting her walk back to Toru anymore, when he could warp her straight into her room and save her the trouble of it all. Plus, it's not like she could actually walk properly after tonight's activities...

And Sukuna knew this decision of his would be definite after (Y/n) told him that because of this, her father believed she wasn't sneaking out anymore. It was just easier this way now. Everything was fitting into place now that (Y/n) was back to normal. Of course, he still felt guilty for making her forget something that she'd regret in her right mind. But eventually, he'll get over this annoying emotion. Especially with all these distractions and stress relievers (Y/n) offered him.

(Y/n) stumbled on her own feet once she was warped back to the castle, her legs shaking as she attempted to stand straight. When Sukuna said that she wouldn't be able to walk tomorrow, she didn't realise that he meant it. She felt abit sore, having been stretched three fingers wide for the first time. It was amazing at the time and she didn't regret a single moment. However she couldn't help but become embarrassed at her current situation the moment she saw Toru leaning against the wall of her chambers as she warped in.

The girl squeaked once she noticed him, her already weak legs having given up and forcing her to call back against her bed once she jumped in fright. Once she landed safely on her bed, a hand went to her chest as she began having palpitations from the scare.
"Toru! Why are you just standing there?! You frightened me!" She exclaims with a gasp and a slightly bewildered laugh.

Toru chuckled at her behaviour, his chuckle lowering into a smile once he noticed that the princess was laughing again. He hadn't seen her much for the past few days, her having been warped to the castle and him not having to go after her anymore. But even so, Toru usually is with the princess mostly throught the day- especially before she met Sukuna. But ever since that village fire and the princess' friend being killed, Toru had avoided the girl. He felt guilty for not better protecting that child.

"I'm glad to see that you've gotten your smile back." Toru told the girl with a gentle soft smile, not noticing that (Y/n) became confused by his words.
"When did it ever leave?" She asked him with a confused giggle, now making Toru confused and his brows furrow in return. Was she being serious or was she just trying to move on from the incident, Toru thought. By the look on her face, he really couldn't tell.

"Just a few days ago you..." Toru trailed off, not understanding what was wrong with the princess. Now that he thought about it, (Y/n) was a fragile soul. She was emotional and sensitive. It wasn't a bad thing, in fact it was one of her most charming qualities along with her optimism. So how was it she was able to overcome this boy's death so easily? Something didn't feel right to Toru.

(Y/n) tilted her head in confusion, her brows now furrowing too as she tried to figure out what Toru meant.
"What happened a few days ago?" She mumbled out in bafflement, her question confirming Toru's suspicions.
"N-nevermind, my lady." Toru told her, putting on a reassuring smile while shaking his head- also shaking off the anger he began feeling bubble up inside of him.

"Your father has urgently called a meeting with the whole family. I told him that you were resting." Toru told the girl, completely changing the subject because he knew the longer he tried to talk about this, the more he would confirm all the theories that were bubbling up in his mind. Maybe it was better to remain in the dark.
"You knew I'd be back?" (Y/n) asked him, a smile spreading across her face as she welcomed the change of subject.

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