Potential ~ Ch39

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¤ (Y/n)'s Point Of View ¤

The sounds of leaves brushing against eachother eachoed around the two of us, travelling with the passing breeze as me and Sukuna stared into eachother's eyes. It's been a few minutes since he had broken off the kiss and about a minute since the pain in my chest due to the lack of air faded away. Now it was silent. The only sounds we could hear was that of the environment and eachothers slow breathing. Though, if you paid enough attention- you could hear my struggling heartbeat.

Sukuna had already flipped us over from our previous position. Now it was his back against the tree as he leaned, me still supported against him with my legs wrapped around his hips. My hands were leaning against his chest with his hands still gripping onto my thighs to support my weight. My eyes comfortably staring into his as we silently stood -well, more like as he stood.

It wasn't long before Sukuna let his back slide down against the tree trunk, not stopping untill he was sitting against the floor. I adjusted myself so that now I was straddling him, neither of us still speaking a word. I noticed that Sukuna was no longer angry anymore, probably having calmed down after kissing me- my swollen lips proving that point. He had kissed out all of his frustrations, leaving him bare with his own feelings- probably still wondering whether he should accept or deny them.

My hands slowly travelled up his chest amongst the silence, wrapping around his neck comfortably. But it didn't go unnoticed by me on how Sukuna stiffened at my touch, almost looking as if he was on the verge of flinching back. But he didn't. He forced himself to sit still, still trying to adjust to all of this. We've known eachother for a while now and have gotten very comfortable around eachother over the past few months- whether Sukuna wanted to admit that or not. But this had nothing to do with how comfortable Sukuna was around me- it had to do with how foreign touch felt to him.

"So what now, Sukuna?" I asked him, breaking the silence because we both knew that whatever would happen next either right now or between the two of us in general was all up to him. How much more of this could he handle? The man simply raised his brow at me, unsure about what I was hinting at.
"Will you give into whatever you're feeling towards me or will you spend the the next denying it?" I asked him softly, not trying to push any of his boundaries.

And instead of a scoff, which is how I assumed he would reply, Sukuna began chuckling in amusement at my question as well as squinting his eyes at me.
"And just what is it you think I'm feeling exactly?" Sukuna asked, his brow once again raised challengingly as if he was asking me entertain him.
"Attraction...affection...fondess...warmth? I'll let you decide." I responded softly, my fingers playing with a single lock of his hair.

Sukuna hummed in response, sounding as if he was anused my by answer yet didn't retort anything back to me.
"I'll give you time to think over it then." I told him with a smile, sliding my smrs from his shoulders and moving my legs so that I could slide off of his lap. But before I could move an inch, Sukuna's grip tightened around my waist and prevented me from going anywhere.

I looked at him with a teasing smile, understanding that he didn't want me to go anywhere. But I was abit selfish- I wanted to hear him say it, even if it was not through his actual words.
"You want to stay like this?" I asked him, cocking my head to the side as I waited for his reply. And just as I assumed, it didn't come in words. Instead, he once again tightened his grip around my waist which made me giggle quietly.

"I'll take that as a yes then." I chuckled, once again wrapping my arms around his neck and instantly noticing how the man went rigid from my touch.
"You do that everytime." I mumbled quietly, my eyes flickering across his tensed neck and shoulders.
"What?" Sukuna asked me, unsure about what it was that I was referring to.
"You freeze everytime I touch you. Why is that?" I asked him absent-mindedly, noticing how he didn't respond. Instead, his eyes averted, breaking eye contact with me for the first time in a while.

"I take it you don't get touched much- other that outside the boundaries of sex, of course." I teased, knowing that Sukuna would probably snap something along similar lines in his defense. But he didn't snap or retort anything back to me.
"...No." The man simply replied, making my teasing smile instantly drop and my gaze soften. Sukuna's walls were down. He had never admitted anything about himself to me so openly before.

Instead of replying, I let my hands slide up his neck and into his hair slowly. I played with his pink locks, brushing through them with my fingers. I kept my presure light, not wanting to aggravate him. I smiled warmly when I noticed that Sukuna's eyes began to close, enjoying the feeling of being touched. I wondered if he had ever been touched this way in his life, as a child even.

I kept gently tusseling his locks for a few minutes, etching Sukuna's calmed features into my mind in hopes that I would never forget a single detail. It wasn't long before Sukuna's eyes snapped open after realising how far he let his guard drop, grabbing my wrist and forcing me away from his hair.
"Stop that." He muttered lowly, refusing to make eye-contact with me as he let go of my wrist and let his hands naturally fall to my waist.

I giggled at his defensiveness, letting a hand lean against his chest as I spontaneously began yawning, using my other to cover my mouth. I then leaned my forehead on Sukuna's shoulder before getting comfortablein the crook of his neck, instantly feeling him go rigid beneath me at the closeness. Even his breathing hitched, most likely unsure whether to push me off or not.
"Relax, Sukuna." I mumbled into his neck, my eyes fluttering closed as I let them rest.

With those words, Sukuna forced his muscles to loosen up, his breathing returning back to normal too. After feeling comfortable, Sukuna tightened his grip around my waist again, pulling my closer to him without realising.
"You have potential, Sukuna." I mumbled quietly with a smile, loving this side of him that was still so new to me.
"Potential for what?" Sukuna asked in confusion, looking at down me despite not being able to see my eyes.

"Potential to be a great lover." I replied softly, a small smile on my face as I spoke. Sukuna scoffed at my reply, clearly finding it amusing.
"Stop talking nonsense." He replied, making me giggle softly.
"I've told you before that love can make you strong. But to love and to be a lover are two different things. I may not have much experience, but I'll do by best to help you through both of them." I mumbled into his white kimono.

Sukuna scoffed once again, still staring down at me with his red piercing orbs.
"You think I can love you?" The man asked, in a way that genuinely seemed curious- almost as if he didn't know the answer himself. But I knew it well.
"No." I whispered softly, my chest painfully aching as I told him what I perceived as the mere truth.

"There's not enough time to help you love me." I whisperered, Sukuna suddenly going quiet at my words because we both knew what I meant.
"But I can help you figure out how to love. So when I'm gone, you can find the perfect woman who'll aid your journey to power." I mumbled, almost being able to feel Sukuna's glare against the top of my head.

"I don't want another woman. You're trouble enough." Sukuna replied with a scoff, his words making me giggle. But only a few seconds went passed before the realness of my situation became overwhelming and I needed to adress it.
"When I'm gone and you're lonely, you'll think otherwise." I replied, suddenly feeling a flick against my forehead which made me look up at Sukuna with a pained pout.

"Stop talking. You're bothering me." He told me with a glare, coaxing another quiet chuckle out of me as I leaned back into his neck with a tired sigh.
"I don't have long left, Sukuna. Ignoring that is just as painful as forgetting it." I mumbled out, closing my eyes once again as I let my muscles relax. Sukuna didn't reply, instead his grip around me became tighter.

...a desperate yet silent plea for me to never leave him.


Chapter 40 Quote Teaser :

"-As I was saying, I've got great news! The Tanabata festival is next week!"

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