Witch ~ Ch11

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¤ (Y/n)'s Point Of View ¤

I kept my promise to Shuntaro and returned to the village the next day- even after the long and tedious scolding that I got from Toru yesterday after returning back to the castle in a nasty fit of painful coughing. So today, in order to throw off the guards, I chose to sneak out an hour before sunset as the sky was turning a beautiful shade of orange- a time that I had yet to sneak out at. As long as I kept changing the times at which I left, Toru could never catch me.

I arrived at the village through the same entrance as yesterday's visit, walking through the quiet streets untill I got to the back exit where I met Shuntaro yesterday. Like yesterday, I found him sitting on the same wooden bench while playing with the same wooden toy blocks though this time he had other means of entertainment sitting idly beside him.

"Shuntaro-chan!" I called out with a smile, watching as the boy's head lifted with an excited smile the moment he heard my voice. The boy dropped his playing blocks and began running up to me, not stopping until he was by my feet and had a gentle fistful of my kimono in his hands as he stared up at me.
"(Y/n)-san! You really came back!" The boy exclaimed with a grin, his doe eyes staring at me with a look that almost looked relieved as if he didn't truly expect me to return.

"I told you I would, didn't I?" I giggled, allowing the boy to drag me by the wrist to sit on the bench with him.
"Would you like to play shogi with me?" Shuntaro asked me excitedly as he sat down, sitting cross-legged beside me.
"A young boy like yourself knows how to play shogi?" I asked him with mild shock, watching as Shuntaro grinned cheekily at my words and began nodding proudly.

"Yeah! My dad taught me before he left." Shuntaro told me as he placed the shogi board between us, emptying the pieces onto the board from it's red pouch. My heart ached at his words, now knowing that this game was sentimental to him.
"Well, I warn you- I am quite terrible at shogi." I giggled, helping the boy set uo the pieces at I spoke. My father also once taught me how to play shogi, when I was younger he used to play a few games with me but after a few times- he stopped. Now I play shogi with Miyuki, though it was on average only around once every few months.

"Don't worry! I can help you get better! My dad taught me everything!" The boy exclaimed, holding his arms amout widly as if he was measuring the knowledge he knew on shogi which only made me chuckle.
"Then perhaps I should called you sensei then?" I gigled, watching as the boy grinned and nodded.

We spent the next hour playing shogi, playing countless matches over and over again. Out of all these matches, I had never won once. Shuntaro was indeed a formidable shogi player. Despite his age, the boy easily knew his way around such an ancient and complicated game. At this point, I was sure that this boy could beat my father if he tried hard enough.

During our games of Shogi, Shuntaro taught me everything he knew- being a patient and informative teacher. I couldn't help but forget his age during most of these matches, him losing all sense of childish aspects when it came to his shogi games. It was admirable, really. Shuntaro made sure these endless back to back shogi games never bacame boring, we were smiling and giggling even as the sun went down. Nothing could ruin this time spent with him- nothing.

That's when we heard a loud scream, contrasting against the thick silence that once was residing within the village. This scream interupted one of our last few days, making Shuntaro drop his shogi piece at the sudden noise. The boy looked up at me, fear in his eyes as we turned towards the source of the noise which was too far for either of us to actually see- right at the entrance of the village.

"Go inside, Shuntaro. Lock the doors." I ushered, quickly packing up the shogi pieces into the red back and handing it over to Shuntaro who was slightly trembling with fear. The boy hesitantly took the shogi board and the red bag of it's matching pieces before nodding and running into his house. Once he was safely inside, I began walking through the village- not an ounce of hesitantion within me as I made my way to the entrance.

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