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Macy's POV
It's race day. I hate race day cause dad always yells at me on race days and mom never comes and my older brother Mason never around and my older sister Maya probably has work today or on call so it's probably just gonna be me and dad like always other then the times Maya and Andy come. Andy is Mayas best friend they always tell me how good I did or to keep up the good work. But dad he just yells and if I get 2nd oh god if I lose he freaks out.

We get to the Field I go to get ready looking all around for Maya I was hoping she would be there god please let her be here. I was talking to a friend and I heard a voice that I have heard before "Hey kiddo how you doing?" Maya said I knew it was her before I even turned around. I heard another voice " hey mija been a long time." Andy said I turn around and run over to Maya and hug her " hey Sis hey Andy. How are y'all? I'm so glad y'all made it." I said as I went to hug Andy "we are good kid and I wouldn't miss it for the world or I wouldn't try to miss it." Maya said " and I'm with her all the time girl" Andy adds as she laughs a little "MACY COME ON YOUR GONNA LOSE IF YOU JUST STAND AROUND TALKING" dad yells I roll my eyes " just one day I wish he would lay off you know..." I say almost in a whisper only Maya heard "go kid I'll see you after you can come to the station okay." Maya told me "only if I come in first you know if I lose what he'll do" I tell her and I walk to the starting line.

At the starting line I'm beside my best friend Emma and on the side a kid from another school here we go dad come up to me " You better win today there are people watching you and you gotta beat Mayas time okay." He tells me the walks off " you got this Macy don't let him get to you." Emma says and I smile at her "thank you." I say we get set and the gun goes off and we're off I'm 1st Emma is 2nd . I'm doing good Im almost there and the my knee gives out and I fall. It hurt and I saw everyone go past me damn it I lost I knew this would happen shit it hurts that's all I could think about my knee hurt my whole leg at that I'm in tears I see tree blurry people running up to me the man got there first. Oh god it's my dad "YOU LOST HOW COULD YOU." He yells grabbing my arm pulling me up "dad...I....can't walk...." I cry in pain "im sorry I didn't... mean to lose..."I tell him trying to make it better "let her go dad she needs to go to the hospital her knee is dislocated." Maya tells him "NO!!SHE HAS TO FINISH THE RACE!!"he yells at Maya "SHE CANT SHES HURT." Maya yells back and he pushes me back to the ground "don't come home tonight."

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