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"Eyes forward"....

Macy's POV
I get to go home today after being in the hospital for 3 days I'm ready to go. I'll be able to be away from people I don't wanna see. Joey came to see me some while I was there he did the talking I didn't say a word at all.  The last they I said was eyes forward what can I say it's been drilled in to my head since I was little. Thanks to Lane Bishop all I have known was eyes forward all my life. There was a knock on my door then Maya and Carina came in "hey kiddo you ready to go?" Maya asked me I got up and grabbed my stuff and walked out of the room no words nothing just walked.

Maya POV
" okay then I take that as a yes." I say then look at Carina "what do I do?" I ask her "give it time bella she'll talk okay" she says as we walk out after Macy. I was worried that she wouldn't talk she's done this before stopped talking for a long amount of time she just shuts down. She hasn't done that in a while which I'm very happy about but now she's not talking and I know it's only been 3days but what if she doesn't talk again I don't know what to do.

We get home and she goes to her room me and Carina sit on the couch and watch a movie for a little while.

Macy POV
Finally back home to my room and my bed think goodness. I look at my phone and see a text from Emma, Joey and Lane.

Hey Mac I know thing have been weird but I wanna talk to you and explain or something please text me or call me I'm so sorry Mac. ❤️*

*Joey 😂💛
Hey Macy I'm sorry about new year's text me when you wanna talk.*

Hey kiddo you need to come back home.*

Hey Em when's a good time for you I'll try to get out to come see you. And I understand ❤️*

I left the other text unanswered I don't understand why I didn't wanna talk to Joey or my sister or anyone but with Emma there was something different about her I talk to her about everything with her she's the one person I told to about anything that happens no matter what it is. "Macy suppers done." My says a she walks in to my room. I just look at her and the back at my phone. She walks in and shuts the door and sits beside me on my bed. "Bean you can't shut me out forever." She said as I looked up at her again "Bean please don't shut me out I love you kid okay and I'm here when you wanna talk." She says as she goes to get up I grab her arm. She looks at me. Say something Macy come on I say to myself. I couldn't make anything come out. "What bean?" She says I just look at her then stand up and wrap my arms around her. "What's wrong Macy?" She asked hugging me back. Still couldn't say anything but I just hugged her as long as she would let me. Maybe that's what I need is a hug maybe that's all I need and then I'll talk again. What if I never talk again. I know this has happened before but it doesn't feel the same. I finally let go of her and sit back on my bed "you not hungry bean?" She asked and I shook my head no "okay will when your hungry foods ready okay." She told me and I just nodded my head she left my room and I went and laid back on my bed to try and sleep. Maybe that's what I need sleep..

A/N: what do you think will happen? Well Macy start talking again soon? Who will she talk to first Emma or Maya? Who knows

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