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No ones POV
Maya and Andy take Macy to Grey Sloan to get her knee checked out. They are all in the waiting room.

Macy's POV
I can't believe I lost and I can't go home tonight ugh what am I gonna do if I can't run anymore he's gonna kill me crap I can't do this. As I'm looking at the ground I feel a hand on my shoulder " Its gonna be okay kid you'll be able to run in no time." Maya says trying to cheer me up but it didn't work cause honestly deep down I didn't wanna run any more when I started running it was for fun not it's just because of my dad wants me to. " yea I guess." I reply back still not looking at her. " and what if I can't run anymore? What if that was it? what if I'm done?!" I say a little bit angry as I look up to my Olympic gold medalist sister and firefighter. She was everything I wanted to be or use to want to be now that might change cause of my knee. "Look Macy you just dislocated your knee I did that at least once or twice. You will get checked out and they will tell you how bad it is okay." She tell me "okay yea you got hurt but you still got the gold metal Maya...." I say stopping myself so I don't say something that will tell her he wants me to be her and that I can't take it no more. Before she could say any thing the nurse came and got us and took us to a room. We were waiting on the doctor and Maya looked at me "what were you gonna say back there when we where talking?" She asked "nothing don't worry about it" I tell her the doctor comes in " hi I'm doctor link and I'm gonna take a look at your knee okay" he tells me and goes to look at it "okay so it's dislocated I'm gonna pop it back in and put you in a brace for about a week or longer just till we think it's okay for you to do sports okay" he tells us and I nod he leaves to get the brace and comes back and puts it on and leaves again. Maya's POV
There's something she's not telling me god I wish I knew "come on kid your staying with me tonight you got your book bag for school today" I ask her "no I don't we don't have school tomorrow" she tells me and gets up and starts to walk out I sign some papers and meet her back in the waiting room with Andy. I have to get her to talk to me. "Okay you two ready to go?" I ask Macy gets up and starts walking with out saying a word Andy looks at me "I don't know don't ask" I tell her.
We get to my house after dropping Andy off at her house. "Okay so you hungry or did you eat?" I asked but nothing she just walked to the spare room and shut the door. "Okay then." I say not long after I sit on the sofa the door opens and Carina walks in I look back at the door "hi.." I say then turn back to the tv she walks over and sits beside me " hi bella what's wrong?" She asked I look at her " my sister is here she hurt her knee at her meet today and dad was being an ass to her and told her not to come home tonight so I took her to the hospital and she's here tonight." I inform her "oh is her  knee okay" she asked " it's dislocated but it's okay now she's in her room and won't come out I don't know if she's eat yet." I say and put my head in my hand " let me try to talk to her okay" carina says and gets up and walks to the spare rooms door and knocks.

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