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No way. Not now...
Mayas POV
No it can't be. We made eye contact they came walking over to me. "What are you doing here?" I asked "I'm here to get her and take her home she clearly isn't safe with you Maya." My dad said as if he cared he didn't " no your gonna leave your not taking her. No way." I tell him "she's my daughter and she coming with me!!" He yells at me "she's your daughter when is the last time you called to see how she was doing or the last time you told her you loved her!?" I asked "or when is the last time you showed her you cared about her more the her making first place!?" I continue "she's not your daughter anymore she's staying with me you can leave she doesn't need you!!" I said turning to walk away. "DO NOT WALK AWAY FROM ME!" He yelled and all my team and friends stood up and walked over to us to see what was going on. Carina grabbed my hand "need your friends to fight your battles for you?" He said "NO! Dad I don't I can fight my own battles you should leave she wouldn't want to see you. You haven't tried to talk to her she doesn't want you in her life leave." I said " Or Mr.Bishop I can have security came escort you out." Bailey said. He looked at me and the others and then turned to the doors and started walking as  doctors Hunt and Hayes  come to tell us what was going on. "She's doing great she was just in shock from the cold and a little hypothermic but other then that she's okay and should wake up soon" Hayes said "okay thank you when can we see her?" I asked "we are only allowing one person right now and since your family your first and you can see her now." Hunt said "thank you" I said as he showed me to her room.

Macy POV
Ow... what happened!? I thought to myself ugh my head. I started to slowly open my eyes letting them adjust to the room  it was bright in this room and I looked around and seen Maya. She had ahold of my hand I looked at her. "M..Maya..." i said "bean your okay on thank god." Maya said "what happened? Why am I here?" I asked and look at her " Macy you where in the cold way to long with a jacket kid." She tells me I just look at her " but I'm okay ?" I asked "yea kiddo." She tells me "everyone was worried about you even Joey's here." She said giving me a look like she always does. " I don't wanna see him." I said and look forward not to look at her "eyes forward" I said in a low voice "what was that?" She asked "eyes forward." I said again a little louder. She squeezed my hand " no don't do that." She said knowing what I was doing "Macy please that's not a good idea bean don't." Maya said "Eyes forward." I said with no expression no nothing just a blank look on my face I didn't want to see anyone anymore. "Macy please this isn't how this works." She tells me and once again all I said was.....
"Eyes forward."

Sorry it took a while been a long month and I haven't been able to update as much as I would want but let me know what you think might happen or what you wanna see. Also thank you so so so much for the likes and support for this I hope you like it.

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