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Macys POV
After going to my room I thought to myself maybe I need to tell Mom and Carina maybe it's time. But what Nathan did I didn't want to relive that ever again. I was pulled from my thoughts by a knock on the door "hey kiddo it's me." My mom said as she pushed open the door  " hi" I say " look kid I need you to explain to me what happened at school and why you decided it was a good idea to hit Kennedy." Mom said "i don't know I just snapped." I say "what do you mean just snapped?" She asked "I mean like...um...never mind..." I said and looked down at the floor. "Kiddo what is it?" She asked "nothing...you won't believe me anyways.." I say "try me." She said "no it's okay.." I tell her "okay well Carina will be home in a little bit. Also I'm gonna order pizza what kind you want?" She asked "I'm not hungry." I tell her "okay I'll still get you something so you can eat it later okay." She said "okay.." I replied she then got up and went to order the pizza. I go to my bathroom shut the door and looked in the mirror I had a black eye and my lip was busted I can't believe I got in a fight. I'm not one to fight people what's wrong with me. After I looked at myself I took a shower then went to change clothes. I put on a t-shirt that use to fit now it's a little biggie and some sweat pants that also fit but are now biggie I laid down on my bed and stared at the ceiling and thought about how I would tell my mom and her Wife about what happened when I was with Nathan.

It felt like hours later I hear a knock on my door I must have fallen asleep "come in." I say " hi bambina food is here." Carina said as she walked in "okay..." I said as I sat up on my bed. Mom must not have told Carina about the fight. "Oh bambina what happened?" She asked walking into my room. "I got into a little fight I'm okay."  I tell her "you sure your okay that cut on your lip looks bad." She said "yea..yea I'm okay." I say "okay well
Food is here so come eat" she tells me "I'm not hungry." I say "okay I'll put some up for later for  you okay." She said "you don't have to." I say "Bella you have to eat." She says "no I'm okay I eat at school." I said Which wasn't a whole lie I mean I did eat but I only eat like 2 bites so." Bambina I really think you should try and eat something if not now then later before bed okay." She tells me "okay." I say and she hugs me and then leaves my room.

Mayas POV
"She coming down?" I asked as I seen Carina come out of her bedroom. "Maybe later she said she's not hungry right now." She tells me "okay um there is cheese and also a pepperoni one to." I tell her as I open the pizza boxes. "Bella I really think we need to make Macy eat she hasn't been eating like she should since she got back I'm worried." She tells me "I am to but I can't force her to eat." I tell her which is true she's stubborn as I am there is no telling her to eat or forcing her. "Okay." Carina said and we sat down to eat.

After we finished eating I hear foot steps coming from Macys room to the living room. She sat down next to me and laid her head on my shoulder I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her closer. She normally stays in her room when she doesn't want to eat so this was different I wasn't she why she came to sit with us but I wasn't mad she did it either. I kissed the top of her head and continue to watch the movie we had on. 

About 10 minutes of Macy being out of her room she sat up and looked at me and Carina " mom Carina there's something I need to tell you.."

A/N: hope you guys like it.
Well Macy be able to tell them with out shutting down again like she has in the past or will she be okay?
What will happen if Macy stops eating altogether?

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