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Macys POV
I wake the next morning not really remembering a lot for last night I remember Emma being here and me getting the MRI (A/N got the wrong one sorry meant to put MRI )
done but after that it's a blur. I hear the door open and look to see mom and mama come in with sad looks. They must have talked to Dr. Shepherd about the scans. "Hey." I say "hey bean." Mom says and she comes and sits beside me "how you feeling?" She asked me "okay I guess." I say "mom what's wrong with me?" I asked her she looked at mama and she nodded "bean we have to tell you something but we need you to stay claim okay." Mom said "okay.." I said as I sit up in the bed. They walk over to the bed; mom grabbed my hands "bean we just talked to Dr. Shepherd about the scans.." mom said "okay what's going on with me why do you and mama look upset?" I asked. "You know how you passed out the other day? And last night?" She asked "yes." " well bean.." "mom just say it." I said cutting her off. "Mac there was a small spot on your brain." She says "it's called um." She goes to say it and looks at mama for help "it's called a Pediatric Glioblastoma bella." Mama said "what's that?" I asked "it's a brain tumor but Dr. Shepherd said they found it sooner  so there's a chance that we just need to do a surgery and you will be okay." Mama says "so I have a brain tumor." I say "si bella." Mama said and after that I looked straight ahead like nothing else or anybody else was in the room. The room was silent.

Wow when I thought just maybe my life would be a little bit better after everything that's happened just when I was starting to get back to a little normal this happens maybe I wasn't meant for happiness. I mean my dad didn't want me my mom left me with her parents after everything they did to her. I don't understand what did I ever do to have this luck. "Mac." I hear my mom said "you okay baby?" She asked but the room was filled with silence after her question and I just stared at the wall in front of me. What was I supposed to say to that 'yes mom I'm great.' Or 'I'm great mom just great.' Like what do I say to her? "Mac?" She said again but I didn't say anything they told me to be claim so that's what I'm doing being claim. Cause I said anything I'll yell and scream. They don't want that they want me to be okay so I have to be okay they are already upset I don't need to upset them more. I need to be okay. I need to be brave for my mom and for mama. I seen the look on moms face when she came though the door she was scared she doesn't know what's gonna happen. With my luck the surgery won't work and then will have to be here longer. I don't know what to do.

It's been about an hour since they told me doctors have been in and out of my room Bailey as been stopping by asking if we are okay if I'm okay I have yet to say a word about anything. I don't wanna talk Andy,Vic and Travis have stopped by to say hey and hang out. The look on Vic's face told me I was acting different because normally we would talk nonstop about any and everything but today was different I didn't wanna talk at all. Around 4:30pm Emma came to hang out for a little bit. She told me all the stuff that was going on at school and I sat there and listen to her she told me that people miss me and that her mom asked about me. "Oh I almost forgot Kennedy and Skylar got in a fight and can't come back to school anymore. Peyton got taken out of the school and is doing homeschooling." She tells me I just nod she grabs my hand "what's wrong?" She asked me I just shack my head not wanting to tell her yet because if I don't make it out of surgery or if the surgery doesn't work. I don't wanna tell her yet maybe later or maybe it's better if I just don't tell her at all and we not see each other anymore more I don't know. Emma keeps telling me stuff about her day and how everything thing at school is. I just nod and listen to her. Around 7:30pm she tells me goodnight and gives me a kiss and hug then says goodbye to mom and mama. Then leaves.

⚠️TW  just in case⚠️

Maybe it's better if the surgery doesn't work maybe they will be better off with out me.  Maybe this is what I get for not being the best kid. Or maybe just maybe this is what I deserve for being here. I knew one day I would die did I want it to be now I mean I haven't even made it out of high school. But some kids don't make it past Freshmen year but I'm a junior I just have one more year and this is how it's gonna end. With me in the hospital with a brain tumor. Just my luck maybe everyone was right I was worthless and no one wanted me. What now?...

A/N: sorry it took so long I was trying to see how it would go.
What now?
Well Macy make it? Or well the surgery not work?
Also there's only like 2 more parts

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