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Macys POV
I wake up gasping for air. I hate nightmares they suck. I'm still at the station oh thank god. I hear the door open "hey your awake." Maya said as she walked in "hey." I said in a low voice. "I'm so glad your home kiddo." She tells me as she sits on the bed beside me. "Ma..Maya can I ask you something?"  I ask "yea sure." Maya said "why didn't you tell me about Nathan or about not being your sister?" I asked " well because Mac he was never a good person and when I got pregnant he wanted me to get an abortion and when I told him that wasn't happening he stayed until you were born and then left and never came back." She tells me. "Why did you keep it a secret that I was your kid and not Lanes?" I asked "that was because of Lane he thought it was a good idea." She says "but it wasn't and I wanted to get you back sooner I did but then the fire academy started and Lane didn't want me to have you because he wanted someone he could get to win his metals for him." She continued "I'm sorry I met with him and didn't tell you...m..mo..Maya." I say "I should have told you. I should have listened to Emma she was right." I continue.

After me and my mom talk for a while we get ready to go home. My lip and cheek still hurt a little from the night before but nothing to bad the bruises are still there. I'm just glad to be home with my mom and Carina. It's weird to think of her as my mom but honestly she would probably be a better one then Katherine could any day. Katherine never stood up to dad not even when it came to me or my mom or even Mason. She would just stand in the corner and watch. We all knew she was scared but so where we or at least I knew I was. Katherine wasn't a bad mom but she wasn't a good one either.

After we got home I went straight to my room. To go on my phone so I could message Em to let her know I was okay hopefully she wasn't to mad a me. I sent the message. I decided to get changed some of my clothes and gave my mom her clothes back. After that I went back to my room with out say a lot to mom or Carina.

Mayas POV
I'm so happy Macy is home. Other then her not talking a lot after we left the station. She went straight to her room when we got home and only came out to bring me my clothes that she used and then went straight back to her room.

"Hey Bella you okay." I hear Carina say pulling me from my thoughts. "Huh?..oh Umm I'm okay just thinking." I tell her "what you thinking about?" She asked me "about Macy and what happened to her I mean she was gone for 3 weeks." I say "Bella in time she will tell you." She tells me "I know I just wish she would tell me know instead of waiting." I say  "maybe she's not ready maya." She said which could be true but I just hope he wasn't to bad. After talking for a while we ended up ordering pizza for dinner.

Macys POV
I was laying in bed watching tiktok on my phone. Waiting for Emma to text me it's been a few hours since I sent the message. So I decided to send another about 10 minutes ago.

I heard a knock on my door "Bella  can I come in?" Carina asked I wanted to say no but if I say no to her then my mom will come and I don't wanna talk to her right now so "come in." I say as I sit up on my bed as she walks in "dinner is here we ordered pizza. We thought that would be easy for tonight." She tells me "I'm not hungry." I say not looking at her.

Carinas POV
When I seen Macy last night I couldn't tell how much weight she had lost until I looked at her just now. She looked so small for her age. She wasn't big to start with she was about the same as Maya weight height she was a little bit taller but not by much; she was also very muscular. But now you could tell she had lost weight she still had the muscular look. I can't make her eat I can ask her but not make her. She told me she wasn't hungry which I didn't believe. "Okay well it's here if you want it okay." I tell her "okay...." She says looking back at her phone as I walk out.

Macys POV
After Carina left my room I was sure my mom  was going to come in a tell me I needed to eat but I was hoping she wouldn't.

It's been about 30 minutes and I hear a knock at my door "Mac can I come in?" My mom asked. "Sure...." I say she comes in and walks over to my bed an sits down. "Hey kiddo." She says "hi.." I reply to her. "You sure you aren't hungry bean?" She asked "I'm sure...." I say not looking at her "Mac are you okay?" She asked me I wanted to say  'no mom I'm not...I just spent 3 weeks with a person I never even met before because I was stupid and wasn't listening to anyone.' But I didn't because for 1 I wasn't sure if I was ready to call her mom and 2 I'm not ready to tell her what happened when I was gone so I just said "yea I'm okay." "Okay then I'm not gonna make you eat but try and get some sleep okay." She said "okay love you goodnight." I say "I love you to bean goodnight." She said and kissed my forehead and left.

A/N: sorry for the wait and the part might not be the best sorry. Hope you like it

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