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No ones POV.
Macy passed out and her dad tried to wake her when that didn't work he picked her up and put her in the car. He drove her to the hospital. He got her in the ER and the doctors took her back. Doctor Owen Hunt called for doctor Hayes. "You called doctor Hunt." Hayes said "yes we have a 16 year old girl who passed out while training." Hunt tells Hayes.

Carinas POV
I was walking down to the ER  because I got paged and I walked passed the room Owen was in and someone caught my eye a blonde hair girl and out the side of my eye it looked like Maya so I walked to make sure it wasn't her as I walked in I heard Owen say '16 year old' I look at the girl on the bed "Owen I know her who brought her here?" I asked " her dad who is it?" He asked me " I gotta go let me know what happens okay." I say I walk out of the room and bump into Jo " sorry Jo" I say as I pull my phone out to call Maya " Jo can you go check on my patient in ER3 please I have to make a call" I ask her "yes I can is everything okay?" Jo asked "yes....no...I don't know..." carina says and she calls Maya and walks out the hospital to talk to her girlfriend.
Maya: hey baby what's up
Carina: hi Maya I don't wanna freak you out but your sister in up here in the ER
Maya: who brought her in?
Carina: your dad.
Maya: I'm on the way.
Maya hangs up.

Mayas POV
I get off the phone with carina and Andy is looking at me "what's wrong?" Andy asked me "Macy.." that all I said then I just walked away. I got to my car and drove to the hospital as fast as I could when I got there I ran to the front desk. "I'm looking for Macy Bishop." I tell the person at the desk "only family is  allowed to see her" the nurse said. Carina walked up as I was about to say something "Maya this way." She said as she took my hand. We walk into a empty room. "Calm down Maya." She tells me " I need to see her I shouldn't have let her go home." I say trying to keep calm. " what if he did something to her? What if he hurt her? If he hurt her..." I questioned also getting cut off by carina . "Bambina she's okay. I don't think he hurt her but he did just drop her off." She tells me "he's not her HE DIDNT STAY?!" I say angry " I need to see her please take me to her." I ask we walk to her room "carina I'm sorry for yelling earlier." I say "it's okay" she says
We get to Macy's room and she still hasn't woke up I sit by her bed. Just by looking at her you can see she's not been sleeping or eating right god I wish he wasn't such a ass to her. As I wait for her to wake up doctors and nurses come in and out of the room checking on her.

Macy's POV.
My head hurts. My whole body hurts. Ugh what happened. My eyes start to open it's so bright. I start moving my hands and trying to get  myself to wake up all the way. Come on Macy wake up. I hear someone talking in the room. Where am I. "Bean? Can you hear me?" A voice says I can't tell who it is but the name that name who calls me that? I open my eyes half way to see a blonde girl standing beside my bed holding one of my hands. "Bean?" The girl says again I finally get my eyes open all the way "M..m..maya?" I asked "what happened?" I say as I look around the room. "Bean your okay." She says " your at the hospital you passed out." She says as a doctor walks in "Macy I'm doctor Hayes I'm your doctor I have a few questions okays." He says "um..o..okay.." I say and look at Maya " can you wait till she's at least been up for a while?" Maya asked doctor Hayes. "One of my questions is I need to know when the last time she ate was." He look at Maya and she looked at me. Oh no not again not the eating question she will be mad if I lie but she will also be mad if she knew the truth.

A/N: what will happen next? Will Macy tell Maya and doctor Hayes the truth or will she lie?
Hope you guys like it.

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