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Macy's POV
Today is weird i don't know why but I have a feeling something happening today and I don't know if it's good or bad. So I'm hoping for the best. I go to the living room and sit on the couch, turn on the tv and wait for Carina and Maya to get up.

Mayas POV
I'm get up and start to get ready the plan for today is to take Macy to the station with me until Carina gets off work then she'll come get her and bring her home till I get here. Carina had to go in early this morning because someone paged her. I finish getting ready and go to the kitchen get me a cup of coffee and I hear the tv so I go to the living room and see Macy watching tv on the couch " hey kiddo your up early." I say as I walked into the living room and sat beside her. "Hey and yea I guess.."she says not looking at me or anything just starting at the tv. "You okay kid?" I asked her "yea..I'm fine....where's Carina?" She said when she finally looked and noticed that it was just us. "She had to go in early this morning."I said "You sure your okay?"I continue she nods her head and turns back to the tv. We sit there for about an hour or so. "Hey Mac go get ready your going with me today." I said then I went to finish getting my stuff together. I hear her getting ready she didn't argue when I told she was going with me like she did the other day so hopefully she'll be better today.

Macy's POV
I go to get ready so I can go with Maya I didn't want to but there was no point in arguing with her. It didn't end well last time so I just did as she asked. I still don't understand why I can't just stay here by myself what's the worse that could happen. It's not like my dad or mom wanted me back. No one really care about me other then Carina, Maya, Andy and the rest of Mayas team at station 19 which a lot of people would be happy that they had all those people which I am but I'm also one who had done a lot on my on I mean Maya wasn't around a lot when I was little but she tried to come around. "Come on Mac we gotta go." Maya yelled though the house. "Coming." I yelled back. I walked out of my room to the living room "okay let's get going." Maya said. We walked out of the house

We got to the station. We walked in and went to Mayas office; sat there for a while "hey you wanna go say to everyone?" Maya asked me "sure. You coming or can I do that by myself?" I said "Mac one day you'll understand why I don't want you staying by yourself at the house okay." She says as I get up and walk up to the beanery to say hey to everyone.

Mayas POV
Macy went to say hey to the team and I stay in my office and called Carina cause I needed her advice. I have to tell Macy but i don't know how to tell her. She's 17 years old and still doesn't know I'm not surprised though I knew dad and mom wouldn't tell her but she has a right to know. I call Carina "hello bella." She says answering the FaceTime call. "Hey so you where right Mac needs to know but how do I tell her." I asked  "well bella I say just be up right with her." She said " you mean up front and I just..I don't want her to think I kept it from her because I have tried to tell her because." I tell her "yes and why didn't you tell her in the past?" She questioned. "My dad always shut me down same with mom. Even Mason tried to tell her but I guess he was shut down to." I tell her.

Macy POV.
I got done telling everyone hey and walked back downstairs I walked over to Mayas office door and walked in and hear Maya say " I know. You're right Macy deserves to know."I stop at the door " I need to know what?" I asked " Mac..um..Carina I gotta go." She said " what's going on Maya?" I asked "Mac there's something I gotta tell you." She said " okay what's up?" I asked "Mac sit down....."

Hope y'all still liking it. What is the big news Mayas gotta tell Macy? Well it change there relationship? 

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