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Macy POV
After we kissed we just looked at each other no words nothing then out of no where Tuck yells "JOEY KISSED A GIRL!" We looked at Tuck and everyone started looking at up oh no this can't be happening I thought to myself I didn't just kiss him. I looked back at Joey and then turned to run outside when I made eye contact with Emma. My best friend the girl I was supposed to be with. I could see the tears in her eyes as she turned to leave I couldn't blame her I would I left to. I followed her out "Emma wait!" I said as I went after her. "Don't talk to me Macy." She said walking down the driveway. "Emma please it's not what it looked like okay." I said as I grabbed her hand to stop her she pulled away "don't!" She yelled "hey don't yell at me I'm not the one who stopped talking to you." I say "my mom wouldn't let me talk to you." She tells me "hey everything okay bean?" Maya asked as she walked up to us "no your sister just kissed someone who wasn't me in front of me. We're done Macy." She says turning around to walk away I grab her arm again "Emma it wasn't like that." I say and she stops and looks at me "please let me go" she says looking at me with tears in her eyes " Emma please tell me why you stopped talking to me then explain it to me please" I say "I can't it's.." she starts "it's what?" I asked "I can't here.." she says to me pulling away and walking away as I go to follow her Maya grabs my arm "give her time bean." Maya tells me I turn to the house and everyone is outside and just seen this whole thing happen I pull away from Maya and take off running away from the house I had to leave get away. Clear my head. I didn't know where I was going but I knew I had to leave. Everyone there seen all of it the kids the fight all of it. "MACY!!" I heard Maya yell out for me but I didn't stop I couldn't I really messed up what was I thinking kissing him. That's right I wasn't.

2 hours later..

I was sitting at a park not sure how far from Mayas I was but I knew this was the best right now I needed to be by myself and think about everything.

Mayas POV
Macy ran off  after everything that happened when Emma and Joey I don't blame her I would have to that was definitely a Maya thing to do she probably clearing her head like I do when I run after a fight with Carina or the time my mom showed up out of nowhere. So I can't blame her but I have to go after her that's the right thing to do plus it's cold and 2am I went a got my Jacket and started down the road I planed to check all of her Normal places then look others if I can't find her everyone that was at the house said they would help so we all left taking different ways in hopes that someone would find her. First place I thought to look was the track field she told me she goes there to think so maybe.

Me and Carina get to the track field looking all over for this kid I swear she'll freeze before we get her.

Macy POV
I didn't know it would be so cold or I would have grabbed a Jacket. I was sitting at the park think how could I be so stupid. Why didn't she tell me she was coming? I look at my phone to see if she had sent me a message but no she didn't but Maya, Carina, Andy and Vic had all messages me

May come back home it's cold

Sweetie where are you

Maya ❤️🤣
Bean you need to come back please

Carina 🙂
Bella please call me or Maya let us know where you are and that your okay

I didn't answer them I needed to be alone. I'll be okay for one night right.?

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