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Mayas POV
I wake up go to the kitchen and make some coffee for me and Carina. I sit at the bar drinking my coffee and see a note on the fridge. I get up and grab it and start reading it.

I'm sorry that I have worried you and carina for the time I have been here. That's not gonna happen anymore I hope you shouldn't worry about me I'm fine okay. Don't come looking for me okay. I'm so so so sorry that I couldn't handle dad by myself maybe I can now. No I'm not going back to him but I'm also not staying with y'all. I don't wanna to bother you and Carina anymore. I'm sorry I didn't say goodbye in person but I knew you would tru and stop me. I love you

Tears rolled down my cheeks as carina came into the kitchen. "Bella what's wrong?" She asked me "she's gone. She left." I said that's all I said as I was looking at the note in my hand carina came and put her arms around my waste.

Macy's POV
I left last night maybe they won't look for me. I know that Maya will think I'm just gonna live on the streets and for right now I am time to find my big brother and see how that goes.

Mayas POV
I get ready for work trying to keep calm and not lose it on everyone at work and be calm around Carina. But why would she leave why now knowing that our dad could be look for her waiting on a day or time to hurt her. Ugh I can't with her. I know she didn't want me and Carina worried about her but this makes me worry more what was she thinking.

I get to the station and go straight to the captains office and shut the door. I think to myself breathe Maya breathe. The alarm goes off and we get ready to go and leave.

Macy POV
I'm at this old house with some friends I know from school that knew my brother. "He was here like two weeks ago." Tom told me and we walked in this old building and I called out for Mason "Mason! You here?" I yelled no answer we could smell smoke. We start looking around. We split up to cover more ground there where six of us so it was me and my best friend Emma then Tom was with Skylar and Dylan was with Alison. As we where look the smoke kept getting thicker.

Me and Emma where near the back of the building "is it just me or did it get a lot hotter when we went though that door?" Emma asked me "are you calling be hot?" I jokingly asked with a smile "I'm not joking Macy." She said seriously "I mean yea it did but I'm sure it's nothing." I tell her "but all the smoke you don't think there's a fire do you?" She asked me I turn to her and grab her hands and look at her "it's just dusty in here maybe there's a fire somewhere around here but i promise your safe okay there's no fire." I tell her and she locks eyes with me and smiles I give her a small smile back. "And if there is a fire I'll protect you okay Em." I tell her "okay" she says smiling we keep walking.

About 10 minutes later Emma starts coughing " Macy it's getting hard to breathe." She tells me "I know." I say before I cough not long after that I see F
flames. "Crap come on we gotta go." I say grabbing Emma's hands and start to walk out when the ceiling falls in front of us dang it I thought to myself. Emma was holding on to my arm as I was trying to find a way out. I hear sirens coming " Help!" I yelled "Tom?Skylar?" Emma yells "Dylan? Alison?" I yell I go to move some of the ceiling and flames surround us crap we move closer together. "Macy I'm scared" Emma tells me " I know but your gonna be okay I won't let anything happen to you I promise." I say and not even 5 seconds after I said that more of the ceiling fell and she screamed. Holding on to me for life.

Mayas POV
We get to the building that's burning and go in I hear a scream. "Hello this is captain Maya Bishop if anyone is in here I need you to yell or scream again okay." I say and I heard the same scream again "good job we are going to get you out okay." I say "please hurry my friend she's hurt." I hear what sounds like  girl  say.

Emma's POV
I was holding on to Macy's arm trying not to freak out when another part of the ceiling fell and some hit Macy in the head she fell to the ground. "Macy wake up" I say nothing oh no this can't happen. "Macy's?" I said again I heard the firefighters start moving the ceiling away and get closer. Macy's arm and leg where both stuck under some ceiling and it was heavy I tried to move it I couldn't. But she got to be okay I mean her sister was here Maya wouldn't let something bad happen to her. "Hurry!" I yelled "please Maya hurry!" I yell again.

Maya POV
That voice sounds familiar. Who was it?.....

A/N: sorry this was so long the next one might not be as long. Hope you guys like it let me know what you think.

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