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Macys POV
Standing outside of the station "hey kiddo come back inside." I hear my mom say I turn to look at her "Mac come on come to my office okay." She says as she walked over to me. We walk back inside and to the office. When we get inside she shuts the door. "Mac what was happening with Vic?" My mom asked me "she didn't tell you?" I asked confused "no because you ran out I of the station so I just followed you Mac. What's going on." She tells me "nothing mom." I say as I sit on the chair in front her desk. "Bean I know something is going on. I know you to well." Tells me "I'm fine." I say "here then eat this." She grabs a sandwich off her desk "I'm not hungry mom." I tell her "you haven't eaten all day." She tells me  "you don't know that." I say knowing good and well she knew I haven't eaten anything but why do I need to eat I am fine. " Mac. Vic wouldn't have been up there trying to get you to eat if you had already eat." She says "mom it's fine I'll just eat at home tonight okay." I say trying to get her to leave me alone "mac..." she gets cut off by the alarm going off * ENGINE 19 AID CAR 19  LADDER 19 NEEDED AT 1428 BLANCHARD ST*  "we'll talk when I get back." She said running out to help her team. I slumped down in the chair I was sitting in. Ready to go home and forget about today.

It's been a few hours since my mom and her team I left so I walk out of my moms office and see Vic at the desk "hi Macy." She said still looking a little upset. "Hi.." I said "how long until they get back?" I asked her "could be a while." She said bluntly "okay." I say the walk upstairs to the beanery and seen the table was full of food from where they had just cooked before they had to leave again. It looked good but I wasn't hungry. Or that's what I keep telling myself and everyone else. I mean yea I could eat but why eat when I just throw it right back up? "Mac" I heard Vic say from behind me I turned around "yeh?" I asked " you okay?" She asked me "I'm fine why?" I tell her "I'm sorry for earlier I just don't want you hurting yourself mac." She tells me "it's okay and I'm not hurting myself." I tell her "Mac you have lost a lot of weight since the last time I seen you." She said "okay and I'm still healthy I'm not harming myself." I say "Mac you are tho.." I cut her off "why do you care? Why? What is so important about me that you care so much? So what I haven't eaten in a while I am fine." I tell her "Mac.." "no I'm going back to moms office." I cut her off again and walk pasted her back to my moms office.

When I walked back in to my moms office she was there and so was mama  I new it wasn't gonna be good but I guess this is what happens right. "Hey Bella." Mama said "hey mama." I say she hugs me "mac sit down." Mom says "mac what's going on?" Mom asked me "nothing." I say "bambina we know that's not true." Mama says "I'm fine everything is fine." I say "Macy come on kiddo." Mom said "why should tell you?" I asked and before they could say anything "is it because you care? Or is it because your my mom and mama and I should just want to tell you everything?" I say "Mac we want you to tell us what's going on so we can help." Mom said "I don't need help..I'm fine." I tell her getting more upset at the fact they won't just drop it. "Macy you have lost a lot of weight in the past month we are worried Bella." Mama tells me " if you are worried then why are you asking now and not when I got back?" I asked "Mac we wanted to give you time and not hover over you." Mom said "so why don't you believe me when I say I'm fine!!" I say a little louder then I wanted to. I mean who can blame me they just won't let up and honestly I'm not in the mood I mean how bad can it be not eating I'm fine it's only been about a month and I haven't lost that much weight have I ? "Okay there is no need to yell." My mom tells me "sorry." I say "listen Mac we love you and just want what's best for you. We don't want to hurt yourself." Mom tells me "I love you two also." I say "come to us if you need anything okay." Mom says "okay." I say

After the talk we all went home mom took a shower while mama was working on dinner and I was in my room working on a paper that was due on Tuesday which I haven't even started on. I don't know where to start. What are you supposed to say when the topic is family and you just found at the beginning of the year that your sister was your mom and the people you thought was your mom and dad where your grandparents? How should I start it what to say? So many things. "Dinners ready!!" Yelled Mama so what now? I have to go down there but I'm not hungry. But if I don't eat they will continue to worry about me and then either send me away or take me to the hospital where mama works and they would try something to make me eat but how do you eat when your not hungry?

A/N: hope you guys like. I feel it sucks a little but not sure.
What now will Macy start eating?
Will she be able to write the paper about family?
What well happen next?

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