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Macys POV
I finally stopped running after what felt like hours of it. Thank goodness I ran track. I still wasn't sure where I was I didn't have my phone and the sun was starting to go down. I kept walking for a while. About 10 minutes went by and I see a fire station all I hoped for it to be 19.

Mayas POV
I back to the station after a fire and the whole team went to get cleaned up. I was on my 24 today and then I had the next 2 days off.

I got out of shower and get ready for dinner. I got to the beanery and sat and talked with the team for a while. "How you doing Maya?" Andy asked me "I'm ready for her to come home." I say "she'll be home soon." She tells me "yea I guess." I say "I just wish I could've found her the day she got taken." I continue "we will find her. Plus we have PD on it also." Andy says "Andy PD probably stopped looking after 24 hours after the day she went missing." Jack says and I see Andy, Vic and Travis give him a look "your right Jack." I say

Vic's POV
After the conversation with Maya about PD ,Macy missing and dinner I walk downstairs to the front desk to
Wait for a walk in or a call or anything at this point. I hate desk duty. It's alway so boring. No one to talk to. I miss Macy she would always come and hang out when I was on desk duty. That was until she found out I helped Maya keep her secret. In my defense I only knew for like maybe a week because I suck at secrets. I miss her; I miss my work buddy.

Macy's POV
I finally make it closer to the fire station I stop for a few minutes to catch my breath. Then started walking again. I make my way to the door and open it. I walk in with my head down and my arms around me cause I was cold. "H..h..hello..?" I say as I walked up to the desk "how can I help you." I hear a female voice say "I.it's cold..and..I'm..lost.." I say.
Still looking down not making any eye contact I'm so tired I just want to sleep and be home.

The door opens and I hear a girl say hello with my back turned I asked how I could help her she said she was cold and lost so I turned around "Macy?" I said as I looked at the girl. She was looking at the floor and she had a short sleeve shirt on and ripped jeans on and looked like she had bruises on her arms "Macy is that you?" I asked when I said that she slowly looked up "Vic?" She said " hey kid are you okay?" I asked as I grabbed a blanket and rap around her "I'm cold..where's Maya?" She asked " she upstairs I'll go get her." I tell her

Macys POV
Vic went to get Maya and I sat at the desk waiting. I felt I could go to sleep waiting on Maya to get down the stairs. I can close my eyes for just a little bit.

Not even 5 minutes it felt like I heard Maya come down the stairs "MACY YOUR OKAY!" She yelled and I jumped being startled by he yelling "yea.." I say she comes over and hugs me not long after her Andy came down and ran up and hugged me "Macy what happened what's with the bruises and busted lip?" Maya asked "it was him mo..maya...." I say  "let's get you cleaned up okay and warm." Maya says and goes to walk to her office before she gets to far I grab her arm and pull her with everything I can Into a hug. We stay there for a while just hugging. Then she helps me to her office and the up the stairs to the showers and I get clean and everything.

I walk out of the bathroom in a pair of Mayas joggers and a station19 shirt. " I called Carina and let her know your where here. She said she was on her way." Maya tells me I just nodded "Mac are you okay?" Maya asked me "I think so...I'm...sorry I didn't tell you and I'm..sorry I met him by myself...I was just mad at you but....I'm not anymore...you where right..." I say as I walk over to her "Maya I'm really....really....sorry." I say Maya just wraps her arms around me. "I'm glad your back kiddo." She tells me "me to...mo..Maya." I say as I catch myself almost say mom again hopefully she doesn't notice.We hug for a little while longer then walk back down stairs "everything okay?" Andy asked as we got downstairs "yea." Maya says we go to her office and the team follows. "Guys can we get a few minutes please?" Maya asked they all said yes  and went to do there stuff.

After about 30 minutes Carina came in the station and straight to Mayas office "ah Bella your here." She says as she walks over and hugs me "I'm happy to see you." I said and we all talk for a little bit.

About 20 minutes of talking I start to feel myself falling asleep in the chair at Mayas desk. "Macy you  want to lay down?" Maya asked me I open my eyes "Im okay." I say "go lay down kiddo." Maya said "okay." I say and walk to her bunk and lay down. "Good night kiddo." I hear Maya say "night bella." I hear Carina say.

Mayas POV
After Macy lays down me and Carina make eye contact and she walks over to me and hugs me "she's home car." I say "yes she is." She says

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