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No ones  POV
It's been about a month since Macy has been back and she still hasn't told Maya or Carina what happened with Nathan or what he did. She doesn't want to relive that part in her life. Right now Macy is getting ready to go to Emma's house they haven't seen each other since Macy has been back. Maya hasn't let Macy go anywhere other then the station or hospital.

Macys POV
I'm getting ready to go to Emma's house which I'm so excited for I have seen her in a month other then over FaceTime. Mom hasn't let leave the house unless it's with her or Carina. So today is a big day I'm so ready to go. I'm supposed to be staying the night. But I don't know if I'll be able to do that.

After getting my bag ready I walked to the kitchen to get a drink. "Hey kiddo how you doing?" I hear a man's voice say from the living room. I slowly turn around to see someone I thought I would never see again but there he was with my mom and Carina "cat got your tongue?" The man said as I walked into the living room "Hi....." I said "I'm good.." I tell him " you look good kid." He tells me which I know is a lie because you can tell I haven't been eating like I'm supposed to or how mom or Carina would want me to. "Thank you." I say "how have you been Mason?" I asked. "I'm good kiddo." Mason tell me "well it's good seeing you Mason but I got to go okay." I tell him as I go to walk to the door "Bean you sure you got to go now Mason just got here." She says "mom Emma's outside waiting on me and I know if I don't go now you will find a reason not to let me go." I tell her and she knows I'm right this has happened twice before last week I was supposed to go to Emma's house because she had to work and so did Carina and for some reason I couldn't go with Carina or her so I was gonna go to Emma's the mom talked to Carina and they came up with a way for me not to go. And then the same thing happened the week before. "Bean that won't happen this time I—" she gets cut
Off by Mason "she knows your her mom?" He says "yes I do now I got to go." I say walking Over to mom and Carina to give them a hug and say bye. " bye I love y'all both see y'all tomorrow" I say as I start to leave "bye Mason." I say walking out of the door.

I get outside and Emma and her mom are in the car I get in the back seat "hey Emma hey Mrs.Johnson." I say "hey" they both said at the same time.

When we get to Emma's house me and Emma go to her room to hang out till supper is done."So how have you been?" Emma asked me "I have been okay." I tell her "moms making your favorite tonight." She tells me "that's great." I say knowing I probably won't eat a lot even if she makes my favorite food. "Have you been eating more?" She asked. Oh great Mom told her that I wasn't eating. "Um yea a little." I lie "Mac don't lie." She tells me "I'm not." I say not looking at her she moves closer and grabs my hand "Mac you gotta eat." She tells me "I'm not hungry okay." I say "okay." She says. We talk for a little while longer then her mom yells to tell us supper is ready.

We go downstairs I see what her mom made chicken alfredo  she plates some for me, Emma and herself "eat up girls." She said and Emma started eating and so did she. I just sat there pushing my food around on the plate. "Sweetheart you not hungry?" Mrs.Johnson asked "no ma'am I'm not sorry." I tell her "mom she needs to eat." Emma says "she hasn't been eating like she supposed to." She continued "Macy is this true?" Mrs.Johnson asked "yes ma'am." I say "but I'm not hungry so I'm not gonna eat." I say then go to get up and leave the table "wait.." she said "dose your mom and Carina know this?" She asked "yes ma'am." I lie hoping that Emma doesn't Catch on to the lie. Which she don't say anything "okay." She said and left it at that I go to Emma's room and lay on her bed and wait for her.

About 5 minutes later she comes back to her room "you lied again." She said coming in her room. "What?" I asked "you lied to my mom about your mom and Carina knowing." She said "how do you know?" I asked "I could hear the way you said it" she tells me " Em I'm sorry I just got to where mom will let get out of her eye site. She's been breathing down my neck since I got back." I say as I sit up on the bed "you got to tell them or.. you got to go." She tells me "what? What do you mean?" I asked her "Macy I'm not helping you lie to your mom or Carina anymore." She said "why it's not like it's gonna hurt them." I tell her "because last time I did...you...you..." she stuttered " I what?" I asked as I stood up from her bed "you got hurt." She said in a quiet voice "what?" I asked cause I couldn't hear her. "You got hurt!" She said a little bit louder. "But I'm find now." I tell her "that's not the point."
She tells me "then what? why should I tell them? Huh?" I ask her "they can help you." She tells me "I don't need help I'm find." I tell her "you sure?" She asked "yes but if you want me to leave I will." I say and start to walk out the room "no no no don't leave." She said "I just need you to tell them." She tells me " why tho if your okay that I'm okay then why tell them I'm not hungry or not eating right?" I asked "because I don't want to loss you." She tells me "I'm not going anywhere." I tell her "you don't know that he could come back to take you." She tells me "he won't." I say "you don't know that!" She raises her voice "yes I do!" I say in a louder tone "NO YOU DONT!" She yells "you don't know he want come try to take you again you don't know that he won't try and hurt you! You don't know that at all!" She continued to yell at me "I can not lose you!!" She yelled "because I love you Macy Alison Bishop" she said I just stood there for a minute " I love you so so so much Mac-" I cut her off by kissing her. I rest my forehead on hers " I love you to Emma Nicole Johnson." I say the kiss her again and pull her closer to me and warp
My arms around her waist and she puts her arms around my neck as we continue to kiss and make are way to her bed. She pulls back " I love Mac." She says "I love you to Em." I say and she kisses me again as i sit down on the bed and she sits on my lap.she starts to pull up my shirt. I pull away " are you sure?" I asked "yea." She says.  Then goes back to kissing me.

A/N I hope you guys like this part sorry it took so long to get it out. I've been busy. Also gonna try and do more with Emma and Macys relationship. Tell me why y'all wanna see.

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