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No one POV
A few months back when Macy got kidnapped by Nathan something happened and she hasn't told her moms about it she hasn't told anyone. And for the past few weeks she's been getting headaches and pains in the back of her neck. She don't remember what happened but she knows something happened. Macy was with Nathan about a month and with in that month a lot happened. She got beaten, he let his friends do whatever they wanted to her and more that we don't know yet all Macy does. One thing we do know what ever happened cause her a lot of problems like the eating disorder and now something in her brain isn't one but the only one who can tell us what's wrong with her is Dr.Amelia Shepherd so with that being said let's see what Dr.Shepherd has to say.

Macys POV
As I lay in this hospital bed I think why do I have to be here why me everything that's happening in the past 2 almost 3 months it's crazy I'm just ready for normal. But being here clearly don't mean normal. My mom is sitting in the chair to my right mama had to work so she's doing rounds and stuff she said she'd be her when Dr.Shepherd comes to take me to CT this afternoon so there's that. There's a knock on the door "come in." I say in a low voice not trying to wake my sleeping mom. I look at the door expecting Dr.Shepherd and my mama but instead it's a one of my favorite people other then my moms of course "hey Mac how are you feeling?" She asked "hey Babe I'm okay my head hurts a little bit but I'm okay. How did you know I was here?" I asked " I text Carina this morning before school to ask if you where walking today or not and she told me you where here ." She tells me oh yea it's Monday yay! But good for me I'm at the hospital and don't have to go. "Oh ok. When did you get her number?" I asked "oh when you went missing so she could text or call with updates." She told me "oh." I said as Emma walked over to the bed and grabbed my hand "I'm glad your okay." She told me "thank you." I say I move over a little and make room for her "here sit." I said as I pat the bed. She hops up on the bed and puts her arm around me "your not going to school today?" I asked "no I would rather be with you." She tells me " okay." You say and put your head on her shoulder. "I love you." I say "I love you to Mac." She said and kissed you on the head. I smiled.

About 3 hours later I was woken up by people talking about what was going to happen today "so we will get a CT to see what we can see. If it looks like I need to operate I will come back and speak with both of you and Macy. Then do the operation." I hear a girls voice. I open my eyes "mom?" I say "hey bean how you feeling?" She asked me "I'm okay."I tell her and look around the room to see Emma still here beside me with her arms around me and mama here talking with Dr.Shepherd I assume this woman is and Bailey. "What's going on?" I ask "there here to take you to CT so that can look at your brain." Mama tells me "oh." I say "I'm Dr. Amelia Shepherd it's nice to meet you. Wish it was under different circumstances." She said with a smile. "Nice to meet you to and yea I agree." I say  "okay so we are ready when you are." Amelia said "okay." With that Emma got up kissed my forehead "I'll be here when your done." She tells me "okay." I smile " there's nothing to worry about kiddo it just takes a few pictures of your beautiful brain okay." Mom tells me " okay" I say after all that Dr. Shepherd and Dr.Bailey both took me to CT and I laid in this Machine for idk how long  then we where back in the room.

When it started to get dark outside Emma went home and told me she would be back tomorrow after school. No long after she left I felt everything  stop I couldn't move and if I was moving I wasn't me and the I hear my mom yell  for a doctor and everything went black....

A/N: hope y'all like it.
It getting close to the end for this I might do a sequel but idk we have a few more parts to this one.

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