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Macy POV
After my mom left my room I laid there staring at the ceiling trying to get my mind to stop and just slow down enough for me to sleep. It's hard to sleep when all I can think about is what happened. One day I'm gonna have to tell my mom but today is not the day and don't think I'll be telling her anytime soon.

After about 10 minutes of trying to go to sleep I end up getting up and going to the kitchen. I grabbed a class and got some water.

Mayas POV
I wake up to something breaking. So I get up out of bed making sure not to wake up Carina. I make my way out of my room and  look at Macys door it's still shut from me leaving early.  I make my way to the kitchen I see a shadow of someone. "Macy?" I say as I flip on the light  "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry." She says picking up class off the floor " I didn't mean to...mom I'm so so so so sorry." She said. Did she call me mom? "Bean it's okay slow down okay." I say as I walk over to help her.  Class is all over the floor as I get closer I can see her shacking "I..I..I..I didn't....mean to I swear." She stutters "it's okay I'm not mad okay." I tell her "just  don't move so I can clean up the class around you okay" I say and she nods

After we get the class cleaned up I got her calmed down and then got her to sit on the couch and got her another drink of water. "Here" I said as I walked back over to her. "T..thanks...mo...." she stops herself and just looks at the cup "I didn't mean to break it....I...I just couldn't sleep..and you and Carina had already went to bed...I...I didn't wanna wake you up...but um I guess I did." She says  "it's okay Mac really if you can't sleep or need me at anytime you come get me okay." I tell her she just nods "mo..um I mean Maya I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was trying to find my dad. I..I was just mad at you and I just wanted to get back at you.. but um.. I guess it back fired.." she tells me and that's the second time she's almost called me mom and she has called me mom but I thought it was just a trauma response. But I guess not sense she has almost said it but I'm not gonna push her to call me that. "Look Mac I was upset you went to find him with out me knowing but Mac I am so glad you are safe. I...I don't know what I would have done if you didn't come back. If I would have lost you forever I...I think...no I know I would have lost myself. I can't lose you okay so please don't do anything like this again okay." I say and she nods " I love you kid and I'm here for you no matter what you need no matter what time and no matter how big it is okay." I tell her " I love you too m..m.." she says and looks down at her hands the back to me " I love you too mom." She says with a small smile and I smile back at her. She puts her cup down and moves closer to me and hugs me. My smile gets bigger as I hug her back and I kiss the top of her head.

A/N: sorry it's a little shorter then the others but wasn't sure what else to put.

When do you think Macy should tell Maya what happened while she was with Nathan?

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