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Mayas POV
I woke up late for work so I was rushing around to get ready. "Bean come on we're late!" I yell out to her she comes out of her room and to the kitchen "I'm ready." She says "why do I have to go to the station with you?" Macy asked. "Because the school is closed today so your with me." I tell her " why couldn't I just stay here?" She asked "I'm 16 I don't need a babysitter." She tells me I look at her " I'm not babysitting you but your not staying by yourself. I don't need anything else to happen to you before I get the papers signed by mom and dad okay." I tell her "now come on." I say as we walk out the door and get in my car.

We get to the station " there's my favorite Bishop." Andy says as she hugs Macy "hey what am I." I say in a joking way we all laugh. "So what's little Bishop doing here?" Jack asked as he walked up "no school so I have to be babysat." Macy says crossing her arms in front of her. "I told you I'm not babysitting you." I say they all look at me "sure your not" Andy says "not helping." I reply. We all walk up to the kitchen and sit around the table talking and eating. 

Macy's POV
We were at the station and having a good time. I like being at the station it's fun I can be myself around everyone here. I have known most of them since I was little cause Maya would come get me and bring me to see the fire trucks. Until dad made her stop because it was fun and I couldn't have fun cause I had to practice every day. But being with Maya and Carina was different I didn't have to practice every day if I was to tired or if I was sick I didn't have to go to practice like I did with my dad. I was hard to get use to it but now I feel like I'm not over working myself. I got lost in my thoughts until I felt a hand on my shoulder "her sweetie you okay?" Andy asked " yea I'm good.." I say as I look at Maya having a conversation with Vic she was happy now. She didn't have to worry about dad anymore. I mean now she does cause of me but other then me making a mess of things she's happy and has been for a while. I can't mess this up. Not for her and not for me. Maya looks at me and makes eye contact and smiles and I smile back. "You good bean?" Maya asked me "yea I'm good." I say with a smile.

Later on 
The alarm went off. " Engine, Air car , and latter 19 needed at 1788 wave st." Everyone started running to the trucks "Maya what do I do?" I asked "stay here okay." She says " watch the front." She tells me and she runs out.  Come on all day with out a call and now they get one and I can't go that sucks. I sit at the desk and play on my phone when a woman comes in crying I get up and walk over to her. "Are you okay?" I asked the woman "no my water just broke." She says as she crying more " um is there anyone with you?" I asked she came off the street why didn't she call 911 or something. " no just me.."she tells me  "okay um.." I say as I try and call Carina she's the only one I could think of. She answers " Carina there's a woman her and she said her water broke idk what to do." I say before she could she hey. "Okay Macy clam down okay lay her of the floor I'm on my way okay." She tell me " don't hang up please carina." I tell her "I'm not I need you to get hot water and some towels okay and gloves." I do as she says. The woman is screaming now oh god. "Carina please hurry." I say "I'm almost there."

About 5 minutes later carina comes in "oh thank god." I say not long after carina got there the baby came. The team came in as carina was handing me the baby so she could do something I sat down holding the baby it was like there was nothing else going on they got the mom in the aid car and got her to the hospital there was problems with the mom, we got to the hospital and they took the mom to surgery. I was still with the baby. Still not paying attention to the world around me. I sat in a room and some doctor looked at the baby and left the room.

Mayas POV
We  were at the hospital and Macy was with the baby and Carina was in surgery with the mom. When the doctor came out of the room Macy was in I walked in to see if she was okay. When I looked at her at the station she was in a world of her on just holding the baby and being herself. She looked happy. No care in the world. I walked in and the same look was on her face she was happy. Not scared, or worried just happy.

Sorry it's long hope y'all like it. What do you think will happen with the mom of the baby?

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