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Macys POV
It's Sunday night and I'm in my room working on my paper what to write and only two days to write it ugh. I start to write.
My family is complicated to say the lest you would think for to be a Bishop you have to be strong if not you fall behind. As for me I was like my mom....

Wait I can't say that I don't think they know or maybe they do ugh. Anyways back to writing.
My family is complicated to say the lest you would think for to be a Bishop you have to be strong if not you fall behind. As for me I was like my mom.
My mom Maya Bishop is an Olympic gold medalist because of my grandfather or that's what she told me when she won it as for my uncle Mason I don't know much about him he was out of the house by the time I was in 3rd grade.
By the time I was in 6th grade I was running track just like Maya. By 8th grade I was one of the best in my school with the fastest time. When I got to 9th grab my grandfather was my coach and he would train me no matter what time of day it was. Last year was my last year on the track team...
My focus gets broke by my mom knocking on my door "hey kiddo foods ready" my mom said "I'm not hungry got a paper to write" I tell her "the paper can wait." She says "no it can't mom.!" I say with a bit of an attitude "what's with the attitude mac?" She asked "nothing just go." I tell her "Mac was going on?" She asked "nothing I don't wanna talk about it leave me alone!" I yell at her which isn't normal for me I normally just listen to her. "What's with the attitude Macy come eat then you can come back and work okay" mom said "I said I'm not hungry! This papers not going to write itself." I say turning back to my  paper. I hear her walk out and shut the door and I get back to working on my paper.

About an hour later I get up from my desk and walk downstairs to see mom and mama in the living room watching tv they have yet to put the food up. I walk over to the living room and sit on the couch. "Not so fast you need to eat something Macy." Mom said "but I'm not hungry." I say "Bella eat something then you can watch tv with us." Mama says "why do you want me to eat if I'm not hungry? You know what I'll just got back to my room ugh." I say as I stand up fast. When I stay up I get really lightheaded and dizzy. My vision becomes blurred I hear my mom calling my name but it's muffled. Then I feel my body hit the ground and then all I see is black last thing I hear is my mom saying "Mac..." .....

Short part today y'all sorry
Next part will be longer.
What happens now?
(Loved the episode last night of station 19 it was funny)

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